
Just wondering? depression

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this is just a theory . i was thinking about what causes depression and how to try fix it . i don't know much about biology (I'm 14 by the way ) yet . but when your happy your body releases endorphins . if people are depressed might it be caused by a problem with the gland that creates endorphins ? and if im right wouldnt it be possible to fix the gland or create new one's ( i dont know how though ) couldnt this be a possible cure for depression? i don't claim to have thought of this idea first . just trying to get a few questions answered




  1. I don't think that we could create the glands and if we could our bodies might just become adjusted to it like Caffine.

    Iv'e had depression  and somtimes it can becaused by enviromental factors as well as hormonal ones, but the drugs commonly used eg: prozac and such do try and alter the uptake of the happy chemicals.

    Hope this helps.

  2. That is really good logic, especially from someone as young as yourself!  Unfortunately, our bodies are very complicated so it is not that simple to treat. Endorphins give us a temporary high, making us feel good for a short time.  However, depression is a long term problem and has a variety of physiological and emotional triggers and symptoms which must all be treated together to be most effective.

  3. That's a nice idea, but I don't think its possible, shame.

    Chocolate also contains something that makes you happy, but possibly scoffing loads of choc ain't gonna help much either!

    (PS if you're asking, cos you feel low atm, then talk to a doc)

    Take care!

  4. Hey Sam, I agree with Lisa that your logic is good for your age! She is also right that depression has many causes and symptoms. I thought, however, you might be interested in this website that explains the possible biological reasons for depression-

    It also explains the possible role of hormones and glands in this process. I would encourage you to also click on the links on the left, to see the other possible causes of depression.  

  5. OMG go and speak to your mum or play with your toys or somethin and leave the research up to the experts that know what they are talkin about.

    When you fully understand what happens to in brain in people who are depressed THEN you can start to suggest some solutions.

  6. Well, I guess I may be your guy! (To answer of course).

    I have a depression disorder. It is because of

    my emotions. When my emotional values get

    to be damaged (example: someone picks on me for

    being Canadian), it brings down my self-esteem.

    It is also characterized by a pervasive

    low mood, and loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities.

    When someone is "sad" or feeling "down", then they

    happen to go into a sad mental state because they

    might feel that their pride has been hurt, or their

    feelings may have been hurt (this is usually the case), so

    they become sad.

    The three most commonly indicated treatments for depression are psychotherapy, medication, and electroconvulsive therapy.

    Medication is probably the best "cure" out there, because

    many teens and young adults can't really "take" being with

    a person who says "How does this make you feel..." and so on

    ans so forth.

    Fluoxetine (Prozac), is the most commonly used type

    of medication for "depression". Yes, it was the first FDA-approved

    SSRI molecule (Prozac), and was the frequently prescribed antidepressant drug.

    I hope this helps you. I suffer from depression.

    And...well...if you have any other questions, i'll see if

    I can get around to you. Add me as your contact.


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