
Just wondering; does anyone pretend to be busy when they have nothing else to do on a train or subway ride?

by  |  earlier

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I just look at my cellphone when i see a cute guy sitting near me hoping that he'll ask for my number. or I just look at the ads on the train. but sometimes i run out of things to pretend to do and then i wondered if other people pretend to do something when they don't have anything to do!

i should really carry a book around.




  1. Yes. When I am bored or in a lonesome social situation I'll pretend to text people on my phone or rummage around in my bag "looking" for something.

  2. I either carry a book or I ponder life or  I put on that "I'm tired... leave me alone" face.  I don't recommend giving your cell phone number out to just anyone you meet on the train/subway.

  3. You probably should.  I have done that before, when I don't feel like talking or interacting with anyone.

  4. no, sleep is always good if thr tide is an hour or longrt

  5. No, I just stare out the window and daydream

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