
Just wondering how everyone day is?

by  |  earlier

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The weather is crappy and things are slow, so i wanted to see if anyone is having the same type of day?




  1. ummm...... i wouldnt know im in school in computer graphics class i hope its not to nasty out im supposed to go out tonight!!!!! but hey whatever my day is pretty good for being in school what about yours???? i wish i could get on another page like myspace or something but this is i guess the closest i can get on a school comp. whatever

    have a better day tommorow

  2. you are so nice for asking.the weather is crappy here in clonmel ireland always but im having a good day just found a cheap flight to russia to see my gran so im happy :) and my boyfriend is coming over and im cooking him an omlet. he likees my omlets and that is a HUGE complement cuz i cant cook. so its all good. i should really stop goin on shouldnt i?

  3. nope, its really sunny and shinney here in LA, but sux for u sorrrry

  4. Thanks for asking. I'm OK. It's raining here. I'm a little wet and cold from going out to get lunch but otherwise doing fine. Hope you're having a good day too.

  5. Coming to a disappointing end

  6. ermmm could be better, c**p weather, feeling really tired and im in the middle of moving house but apart from stressing my bollox off....pretty good thanks!

    just gonna make some cheese dreams now...mmmmm!

  7. I was but  not  now . My village finally fought of the killer bees

  8. I'm a little sleepy. But other than that thing are going OK. As for weather it's raining but I like the rain.

  9. 40 this morning sunshine  dry  burn ban goes on and on even tho 1/2 the state just went  back to burning  . kid in school   lunch time is here  hope your day gets better turns out wonderful.

  10. nope. ne ways, good luck.

  11. i was a little bored until i joined in on answering some of these questions this is kind of fun thanks for asking my day is better now.

  12. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. in pain.  That is nothing new, but it is getting very old.  I can not see the sun, which just adds to depression.  I am so stressed out that I feel like I may have a stroke or something.  What can I say, may day is... sub-optimal.  I ran out of printer paper too.

  13. My day is not as bad as yours but mine is not going to well.But thanks for asking at least someone cares.

  14. Raining here, but all days are good, just some better than others.

  15. The weather's not too good here either, but I'll take overcast and cold over the heat and humidity of the summer any time! I hope you are having a good day!

    It's time for me to walk the dog =)

  16. The weather is beautiful right now in louisiana.But rain is on it's way this evening.Sorry it's a bad day for you.Cheer up and just enjoy the slow times.Slow days are relaxing and stress free.Enjoy and look for the good stop looking at the bad.

  17. No, I am having a great day even though the weather is cloudy and a bit brisk. I have done my food shopping for the week and sat still while my wife of 41 years gave me a haircut, bless her for that. I haven't been to a barber shop for well over 20 years. No, she is not a hairdresser. She is a retired nurse.


  18. What ever is the weather it does not matter to me.

    I think we can do many things sitting at home like,

    play your guitar(if you know or learn)

    do some painting

    listen to your music

    try word building

    play solo card

    chat over internet or over phone

    you can also try yahoo Answers.

    Try writing a verse to your good friend

    there are many things to get over the crappy weather.

  19. It is going on four in the morning here, one of my feline family members jumped up on the dresser and touched the light with his Paw and woke me up about a half hour ago with his friendly high pitched Meow.

    The weather has been rain off and on, and is expected to warm up again for the next couple of days, however I enjoy the rain, so it would not bother me if it rained all weekend.

    Other than that, everything is Fair to Midland.

    Thank you for asking, and I hope your day gets better, if you get the chance, curl up with a good movie and a blanket, and just say s***w it, sometimes you need to set the world straight.

  20. Life is Sooooooooooo Good Today.. Awesome..

    U can change ur day by a Prayer

    A>S>A>P= Always Say A Prayer

  21. Nope.

  22. I'm Mark nice to meet you. Todays been great thanks. The weather here is the same. Se ya later.

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