My son is 2, 3 in November and by almost all accounts my son is perfectly normal and, of course like most mothers, i see him as above average. he already "reads" to me at reading time and he is very good at coloring in the lines and doing his own special drawings. he's very verbal and has a big vocabulary. counts to ten, understands abstract concepts, is very reasonable about what he wants and how he gets it, and his memory is just uncanny.
i only have one issue and i don't even want to call it a problem since its probably not, its just strange. half the time he is "woody" from toy story. although sometimes he's buzz. and sometimes i'm potatoe head. lol he hasn't seen this movie for what seems like a year, but at least 4 or 5 months. but he acts it and other movies out all the time. its his favorite kind of play. and of course he has props and now likes others to join in. i even caught him acting out that commercial where the little girl in the grocery store says, "i don't like chicken..." blah blah blah. lol
now i've always thought he went further than i did as a kid with the acting like other characters as i just acted like animals from time to time. but sometimes when we tell him he's not woody, he's jack, he insists that he is NOT jack. he is woody.
there are times that he insists he is jack sometimes too. but we just can't get him "out of character" once he has decided he's playing.
anyway, should i worry/wonder if there is an underlying issue or cause that would make him want to act like cartoon characters so often? he's an only child right now so i'm assuming it has something to do with the fact that his only play mates are me, his dad and our friends...that are our age.
should i or HOW should i cultivate this creativity and imagination he has?