
Just wondering if it's possible....?

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I've been on the pill for two months now, but I've taken it before but stopped. I've been taking it to make my menstrual lighter and easier on my body. Anyways, I had s*x about two weeks into the second pack and we didn't use anything. I know, bad me! I've got no excuses.

So that's when I'm ovulating, and every kid I see is adorable and I want one. LOL

That was two weeks ago and I was supposed to start my period on Friday...It's not here yet. I've been getting the hot flashes, horrible headaches, heart burn and my stomach has been sore. I know it's only a few days late, but I am ALWAYS on time. I can feel it when I'm supposed to start. But right now, I don't feel it.

I don't feel pregnant, I've been pregnant before, I miscarried though... It wasn't fun at all. I don't know if because I had s*x then, if I messed up my cycle or if that's even possible to do.

I'm just curious to know if anyone else has dealt with something like this before? It's confusing, but not unwanted. I wouldn't mind if I were pregnant at all. I love children and having one of my own would be amazing.

So yeah, I'll be keeping an eye out for the monthly visitor... With my luck, I'll press submit and it'll be here lol. I don't know. I just feel weird. You know?

And no, it's not an STD. He's clean. I made sure of that lol.




  1. Wait another day or so and test. I'd say  there is a small chance.

    Good Luck.

  2. I myself became preggo on the pill. (My son is 4 months now! My world has changed, but he's the best!) My period was never like dead on and I was that type of person that never really calculated down to the day either.  It's possible to not "feel pregnant".. I didn't know until I was like 6 weeks or so pregnant. At that time in my life I had so many other things going on and on my mind that I wasn't even thinking about my period or being paranoid about being pregnant.  And, I know it's hard not to think about it, but as I've experienced from times before...the more you you think about it the more you start making yourself feel certain symptoms, whether they're really there or not! But anyways, since you wouldn't mind to be pregnant, just maybe wait a few more days and then get yourself a couple of tests. I hope the best thing happens for you! =]

  3. I am on BC pills and I had headache,  hot flashes, heart burn and I was connstantly tired after 3 weeks taing the pill that I was sure I was pregnant. But th pregnancy test was negative. Since I had all the symptoms and my headache was constant andI also saw blood spots I went to my doctor and got a blood test, it was negative. I guess it's just the pill and getting used to hormones, CHange your pill if these side effects don't go away. I am taking Yasmin now and it's amazng.  

  4. Sounds like you are pregnant but if you want to do a Blood test it would be more accurate.

    Good Luck and everything of the best!  

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