
Just wondering... in illinois do you have to get a parent approval in a hospital for child abortion

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I need to know this info for a friend




  1. If you are underage then yes, if your friend was irresponsible enough to get pregnant then she needs to deal with the consiquences of her actions and not murder her child.  You should bring up adoption to her.

  2. Yes

  3. It depends on how old the girl is, whether she's married, how far advanced the pregnancy is, and whether it's an emergency.  There is a provision in Illinois for judicial bypass.  In addition, if the girl is planning to pay for the procedure using her parents medical insurance, they are probably going to find out.

  4. U Dont need parental consent just likd u dont nee parental consent 2 put a baby up 4 adoption

  5. Illinois does not require parental consent or notification before getting an abortion. They started to put a parental notification law into place but it was stopped, and as far as I've heard is still stopped.

  6. Yes, Illinois does have a parental consent law.

    If that makes abortion unavailable to her, she can call 1-800-395-HELP to discuss alternatives.

  7. Not in Illinois. The state of Illinois automatically grants emancipated minor status for the duration of the pregnancy.

    Edit: that was according to the first source. The second source, which lists the actual laws, does say that a judicial hearing is required and notice of the hearing is sent to the parents, but she can terminate her pregnancy without parental consent.

  8. Yes, of course.

  9. tell them not to MURDER there unborn baby

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