
Just wondering v****a smell ?

by  |  earlier

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last month some time my v****a smelt ike fish .. and i thought it could be because i washed with harse soaps and things so recently i just started cleaning with water and a fragerance free soap and now it doesnt smell .. do you think it had anything to do with the things iwas using before ? has this happened to anyone else?

thanks .. x




  1. dunno but I'd gladly have a wiff and give a report

  2. think i'm gonna b sick

  3. If you had a fishy odor, its about 99% a bacterial infection, which can be caused by fragrant and harsh soaps in the area.  It is good that you changed soaps, but BV (bacterial vaginitis) usually doesnt just go away.  The symptoms will get better but it still needs to be treated with something called metronidazole.  And once you get it, you are more prone to getting it from now on.

  4. mine starts smelling about 4to5 days before my period

  5. it could have been an unbalance in bacteria levels, cos there is good bacteria and bad bacteria, and using harsh soaps could have caused this unbalance to occur

  6. lol sorry.... but your question is very blunt lol!!!!

    but yeahh i agree with first answerer!!


  7. From everything I have read, the ONLY thing to use is plain water.  No soap at all.  

  8. Hasn't happened to me, But if it has stopped, then you found your culprit i am sure.

  9. yeast infection. it makes it smell like that

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