
Just wondering what you would you do?

by Guest66397  |  earlier

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My husband got my step-daughter a cellphone a few years ago. Now her mom go remarried and her new husband is working out of state for months at a time. He took her moms cell phone. Now her mom has taken over my step-daughters cell phone and used about 2000 minutes. She used most of these calling her husband, both phones are At&t so it don't go against our anytime minutes. She did use about 600 of our minutes. We have about 9000 rollover minutes so it won't cost us anything. Today I decided to block her husbands cellphone so she can't talk to him anymore.

She works nights and the kids are at home at night by themselves so that is why she carries the phone at night. Just in case they need to get a hold of her. I can handle that but using 2000 minutes and calling everyone she knows is a little much. I am just wondering what other people think?




  1. Your husband bought the cellphone for your daughter and she is not getting the use out of it.  You both need to sit down and talk this through with your step-daughter's mom and find a compromise that you are all happy with.  If she doesn't co-operate by all means block the phone but I think doing it without having the conversation will create animosity and could affect the relationship with your step-daughter.

  2. Anyone under 21 should be on pre-paid anyway.  How in the WORLD does anyone actually USE 2000 minutes? That's 33 hours of continuous talk.  Go preopaid, and you control the minutes.

  3. She is an adult and if she thinks that she needs to give the kids a way to get a hold of here she can buy her own darn phone instead of using someone else's.

  4. keep on blocking and let her figured why , or just decesead the no.

  5. SHE is your stepdaughter's mother so of course she has access to whatever your husband purchases for his daughter.  If you have a problem with the child's mother using the cell phone then you need to have your husband ask his daughter for it back and only allow her to use it when she is visiting with you.  You don't get to control the use of things you give her when she takes them home.  

  6. make her pay the bill. i mean what right does she have running up your family's minutes. i don't know how some people can be so messed up like that! she really needs to know that that is very rude and she should have asked you if it was okay first. she did not pay for the phone, you and your husband did and you both should confront her about how you are feeling. this will at least maybe stop her from using it in the future.  

  7. Since this is your husband's ex, you should get him to deal with it.  Tell him why it bothers you and have him contact his ex to let her know that what she is doing is unacceptable to him.  Have him explain to her what you think would be an acceptable number of minutes to use if there is an acceptable number.  Blocking her phone calls is (sorry) really a rotten way of informing someone you dislike their behavior.

  8. I would have simply cut off the service until such time my stepdaughter got the cell phone back.

    take care.

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