
Just wondering when I should switch my son from a crib to a toddler bed?

by  |  earlier

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My son is just turning 17months now, im due with my daughter in 8 weeks, I do however have a bassinet for her to use for a few months before she'll need a crib, so when should I start my son on a toddler bed, should I do it now, or should I wait until my daughter will need to use the crib?




  1. any time now is good.  might as well get him started before the baby comes.

  2. i would do it now!!  i had all 3 of my kids in a "big kid bed"  when they were all around 14 months old.  granted they were also climbing out of their cribs by the time they were that age, but, i guess that's expected with kids.  i would have the crib set up i mean there only in a bassinet for what 3 months.  explain to your son that he's a big boy and that he has 2 sleep in his big boy bed and not in a baby bed.  the baby bed is for the new baby.

    good luck and congrats

  3. I would do it now to assure time to adjust. What I would do is keep the crib up and add a toddler bed to the room. This way you can let him get used to the bed being in there for a few nights before switching to it. Then start adding his blankets and stuff to the toddler bed and try it for naps when you will be awake to keep an eye on how it's going.

    Once you feel comfortable then try it at night but be sure to put a gate at the door and use a monitor so you can hear if he is up and about.

    I had all my kids into toddler or twin beds around 18 months. If you use a twin bed just put railings on both sides.

  4. If you were just wanting to move your son into a new bed I would say to wait b/c he is too I have found with both of my children.  BUT since you are having a baby in 8 weeks and are going to use your son's crib, move him NOW.  Dont wait any longer.  He will need the full 8 weeks to get adjusted to the new bed and may still need the crib to start with.  Plus, just in case you have some rough nights with his transition, you need to do in now so you can have rest closer to your due date.  GOOD LUCK!!!!

  5. You should do it sooner than later.  You will want your son to have a new bed that he is used to and loves before giving his bed to new baby.  He may get jealous, like your taking it from him to give to her.  Good Luck

  6. i would start putting your son in a toddler bed now her will get used to it though

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