
Just wondering would a catering establishment be committing an offence if?

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it had a variety of single portion condiments on display like ketchup salt jam butter ect there was no price on them what so ever and nouthing to suggest that the item would cost any money you pick one up believeing it was FREE and the establishment owner says you can't have the condiment unless you pay xxxx amount of money for it at which point you put it back and decide not to use it on your meal




  1. Ozgirl is right,it's a bit dodgy. But it reminds me of one time I bought a coffee in a cafe in France and they brought a basket of little cakes with my drink. "What a sweet gesture" I thought, as I naively helped myself, only to be charged an extortionate amount when I got the bill. I was too embarrassed to complain.

    We live and learn.

  2. there should be a price on the menu for this

    speak to your local trading standards department.

  3. I doubt that it is an offence, but it is probably indicative of the way the whole establishment is run and of the philosophy of the owner - grab as much cash from the customer as you can and hope that they don't complain. It may also indicate other sharp practises and it may very well be worth while giving a "heads up" to your local trading standards office.

    Apart from that, don't go there again and tell as many of your friends as possible about your experience.

  4. I doubt if this would be an offence. When a retailer offers stuff for sale, it is normal to to put a price on it, or state that it is for sale. this is especially so, when the items are displayed next or near to other items which compliment them(i.e. Food/condiments Bread / butter.) By not making this clear to the customer, he is building up trouble and bad feeling against himself. Naturally one would assume they were free, if they were not priced. It is bad customer relations and you should write and tell him so.

  5. I don't think it's an offence, but it's certainly 'sharp practice'.  Only thing you can do, is vote with your purse and take your business elsewhere.

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