
Justice or no justice?

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the murder of Sophie Lancaster in a Bacup park on August 11 2007 because she was dressed as a goth , Brendan Harris 18 years , Ryan Herbert 16 years, Joe and Danny Hulme 5 years for gbh , Daniel Mallett 4 years ,now surely that is not justice for what happened to Sophie and her boyfriend Robert ,both familes have now got a life of pain while these thugs will be out by time there in their 30s any views on the matter?




  1. As far as I am concerned Sophie has not had justice, those scum bags should have got a minimum of thirty years or barring that should be beaten in the same way within an inch of their lives then got thirty years,that may come close to justice for the families.

  2. 18 years is about right. That's virtually an entire section of one's life. If they serve the time they'll be nearing middle-age and fully rehabilitated by that time. And yes, it was an appalling crime.


    Perhaps I was a little naive in my approach. No, they probably won't serve 18 years - but the situation is the same in every country, this isn't an intrinsically British or Labour Party policy. 13-20 years would be acceptable (time actually served).

  3. curae leves loquuntur,ingentes stupent.....

    (slight griefs talk,great ones are speechless)

  4. yes, its wrong, life for a life i say, they should be locked in a cell and given bread and water, and should be there till the day they die

  5. life should mean life if you kill anyone you should get life

  6. Nothing can justify the taking of a life and so, no sentence will ever seem to assuage the pain and suffering of loss and injustice. However, personally speaking, I value my freedom. I don't follow the crowd and have no respect for 'sheep' but to be confined for a day would wound my soul.

    Life is a precious gift, which should be embraced, respected and valued. We all have confinements with work and other commitments but when we are free to do our own thing, it is bliss... We can only hope that while those who seem to be void of any conscience or any moral fibre, will consider this, while they look out of a prison window, at the once freedom they had.

    When I think of a 'life for a life', I now realise that being confined with no control, is indeed losing your own life for the crime committed...

    I know that they seem to get 'perks', as in education and new skills etc but there is nothing compared to freedom and choice... To me it would be like losing my sight or hearing, with only memories... Not quite the same..

    Having said that, these crimes are so vile and intense, it is natural to want to witness atonement but it takes more courage and integrity to stand back and wait, as justice will prevail, eventually...

  7. There is no revenge that is "just".  Those that are wronged are do some hope of justice, and should have their revenge in their own way.  That we try to say that which is just for an others loss is pathetic.  There is no man that should judge another alive on earth.  Let God be their judge, and let us help them meet him.

    I'm sorry, was that bad?  I try to hate no one.  But, there are those that deserve no pitty by their actions.

  8. They should have been hanged.

    Another innocent person killed because our rulers are more concerned with the rights of evil people than the rights of the truly innocent.

  9. On these matters we have no justice, the law has become an a ss   where murder is committed. They didn't get the sentences they deserved. I would lock them in a cell, no privileges, and throw away the key. Lowlife scum.

    Second only to    

      are you kidding, serve the time, no in UK they won't do a third of those sentences, and as to rehabilitation that's won't happen either. They sneered and laughed all the way through this disgusting case, so that's OK is it. I would flog them first before putting in solitary.

  10. There is no justice in this world any more unfortunately.  Judges aren't living in the real world and it's time that scum like those who murdered Sophie Lancaster, were made an example of.  It's all got so out of hand - they are better off in prison than they are in their own homes - it's a blo*dy disgrace!

  11. There are no words to describe the contempt these people make me feel. You are right there is no justice.

    These pieces of scum should be put down like the animals they are.

  12. Yes there's plenty I'd LOVE to say but I'd end up with another violation notice. Suffice to say that, since we don't have the death penalty, life should mean LIFE! And the other sentences were a heap of sh*t too! What IS it with these a******s - killing someone and kicking the sh*t out of another just because they don't like the way they're dressed?
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