
Justify!! Indian Media Channels!!?

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Is media is promoting awareness amomg the public n doing these jobs in right direction with right spirit??

They usually over exposed everything for there personal benefits... whole days whenever i view channel breaking news flashing on screen... take the example of aarushi muder case...nearly more then 2week has been passed n still her murder is breaking news

They r ignoring the private n personal life of ppl n telecast anything which they like n never think once how much it negatively effect the social of that person...

they never follow the consistency principle...

i think media persons think that they r james bond n they can do anything...

What's yours view they do media is fullfilling his social responsbility?




  1. yes fulfilling  social responsibilities

  2. Now a days these media people are giving too much importance to some unwanted issues - like Aarushi. As the CBI has taken over & they need not show every now & then about it. Once the case is solved then they can make a half an hour special about it & even people will not get bored. Everything is over-hyped & exaggerated in the news channels. In between they are airing Astrology, Numerology, etc., which I think is not news item.

  3. Yes they are . they are even taking WEAK society for a ride. They are telecasting superstitous beliefs in the name of news . they are encouraging superstitions for the benefits of a privileged minority. they are not afraid of the judiciary as people presiding over such institutions are the most benefiaries.

    Most of the channels are busy complying the wishes of their private masters who are basically Hindu fundamentalists and who wins with Muslim-hate -hate syndrome.

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