
Justin henin?

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what was happened to justin henin?

is she retired?

doesn't she play tennis anymore?




  1. she retired already..

  2. Justine Henin Has officially  retired.

    Henin announced her retirement from professional tennis on May 14, 2008

    She said she felt no sadness about her retirement because she believed it was a release from a game she had focused on for twenty years. She also said that in the future, she will be concentrating on charity and her tennis school.

  3. Good riddance, I say. Never did like her. That being said her backhand was a beautiful shot.

  4. Well, at the old age of 25 there was nothing left for her to accomplish.  LOL!  <obvious sarcasm>

  5. Yes, she retired 2 weeks ago. Saying she has no incentive for the game anymore. That might be true, but cant help thinking, and feel quite strongly, that is also health related, no thanks to her ex husband.

  6. Yes, she retired.  Here's an article on MSN Sports if you want to read it...

  7. she is retired

  8. yup she's retired...she's finished with her career

  9. Yes, she is.  Please red her official website.
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