
Justinge3 is dead?

by  |  earlier

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i saw the video and im hoping he is just joking but he looked high and stuff so i dont know.




  1. On the video description it says that his little brother found him dead on his bed due to a drug overdose at 3:33 am. His little brother also posted the video of him. But then, people were getting confused. He keeps on logging in to his account. Some people say its his little brother, which is really the truth. But really some people say Justin is actully logging in. I honestly believed the video when I saw it, but now things are getting fishy. So really I hope hes not dead. We'll just have to find out and see if he actully is.

    Is he dead....60% hes not dead 40% he is.

    But really we'll just have to find out for ourselves. But hes just gonna stop making videos.

  2. He probably is just going to stop making vids. I dont think he died

  3. I think it's a fake. He said 33 what, like 10 times? I don't really know what significance the number 33 has, but there's no way he could have timed his death.

    Ok, he may have been 33 and maybe he did do 33 lines of cocaine (Which is VERY hard to believe. More than likely, you would die before you even got to 33. I asked my mother, who owns her own medical practice), but he mentioned how he was going to enjoy the last 33 seconds of his life ... okay ... how does a person know they only have 33 seconds left to live? Um well, it's impossible. And the kicker is that his brother "found" him at 3:33 .. Yea, ok.

  4. ok something is fishy about this cuz i listend to the movie several times and 33 is said about everything like 3:33AM 3/5 of vodka 33joint 33 lines of cocaine and hes 33 years old tell me wat wrong with this picture and i think it would be all over the news and theres nothing.he looked high and drunk that he did.


  5. I dont know the truth but I think he is actually gone, or seriously messed up now, cause I felt the emotion in the video and it sure did seem like he was depressed and messed on drugs and he likes 33 and coke so if he did 33 lines that would be able to kill a person

  6. people say that he is really gone but i highly doubt it, 33 lines, 3/5 vodka, 33 joints, but if he really did that he must hold a world record cus that would kill anyone

  7. he didnt look high but i dont tihnk it is real well at least i hope not cuz he didnt look high like his eyes didnt

  8. Ok is he really dead? Cause that would suck but he did look high i agree.
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