
Juvenile Prison Charges...?

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If a 15 year old was caught dealing drugs on four different occasions, what would the charges be?

... Just curious.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Its going to vary considerably by state to state. Does the kids parents have money? Are they black or spanish? All this makes a diference.

    A young white kid that comes from a good family could easily get probation, but a poor black kid would most definitly get locked up atleast till they was 18.

    It also depends on the type of drugs. Marijuana wont carry a sentence in some states, but drugs like ecstacy or cocaine will likely give them some jail time.

    There is really too many circumstances to determine a sentence over Yahoo Answers. Sorry.

  2. I would imagine some time in a juvenile detention centre.  Lots of fun!

    If nothing else, his/her parents should be giving this kid a huge kick in the butt and grounding him/her forever.

  3. The charges would be ... possession of an illegal substance with intent to sell ... being only 15 ... you'd do time in a juvenile facility.

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