
Jv again or varsity >?

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ok so this year at skewl i made the jv team as a freshman... i didnt want to play jv becasue i didnt think i was good enough. also my friends were all on the frosh team. after playing on the jv team i got a lot better. after playing club i hav gotten reall good....(not to brag)... should i be a returning player to jv? if i do jv i will be with my friends AND i will be better than the other girls on my team<is that just tired of being the worst on the team> if i go to varsity i would prob be noticed by more skewl and i would get reali good... but the vars. coach scarse me! WAT DO I DO ?




  1. im on the jv volleyball team and im a freshman, you should go for varsity cause its a better chance for you to get noticed at school and get a scholarship to a college later on. its better for you to get a start on varsity, i have a friend who&#039;s on varsity and she&#039;s a freshman she&#039;s really good.  At first the varsity coach was mean at first but since we got to know her more she seemed really fun, all the coaches seem mean but its just because you dont know them, Go for it!!!

  2. I would say do JV again, that way, after your friends get better, than all of you can move up to Varsity, then even though you&#039;re scared of the coach, you will have your friends to back you up. Good Luck!

  3. I think moving up to Varsity would be really good for your volleyball career.  It&#039;ll make you an even better player.  You&#039;ll also make new friends too. =)

  4. I&#039;d play on the Varsity team, you can see your friends all the time, but when your on the Varsity team you&#039;ll get better, you can be witth your friends and stay the same, OR you can see your friends and get better, in my opinion the 2nd sounds better

  5. It looks like it is about 2/3 in favor of the varsity move and 1/3 in favor of the jv move.  

    If you stay on jv, you will play more and you will be with your friends.  You will be comfortable.

    If you move up to the varsity, you will play less with people you do not know and a coach you do not know.  You will not be in your comfort zone.  You will also be challenged.  You will be noticed by more college coaches and recruited by more colleges.  You will be noticed by more clubs and recruited by clubs.  

    Decide which is more important to you.  Playing time with your friends or the exposure and challenge of the varsity?

    Good luck.

  6. I would go with varsity because you can get better. Don&#039;t let the coach scare you &amp; especially don&#039;t let the coach see that he/she scares you. Maybe you can kind of work with your friends so they all make varsity. Are any of your friends in club? I understand how club makes you better too. If you really want a future in vb, go with the varsity because down the road, you will be better &amp; be more noticed in volleyball. who cares if you aren&#039;t the best, you can learn from the best on the varsity &amp; benefit you. Let your friends learn from the best (you:]) when they just practice with you.

  7. varsity for sure! this way you learn more, and increase you level in this sport. Trust me! my dad tells me the same thing!

    Good Luck

  8. Well, I would look at how much playing time I would get.  First year varsity rarely start, especially as a sophomore.  If you are going to start or play often, then go varsity if given the chance.  But if you are only going to play &quot;periodically&quot;, I would go to JV.  You are not going to maintain your skill if you don&#039;t play.  JV gives you additional playing time, and gets you out there doing things that gets the coach&#039;s attention.

  9. This year I got stuck on the jv team again! It was a lot of fun....I was one of the best ones..(not to brag)..I was kinda glad though because i got to play more...i got to play on the jv team and the varsity team because i was the captain on the jv team.....anyways i think you should do the varsity though.....its a much better oppurtunity!!! You can get better and make yourself work harder!!!! Hope this helps!!! Good Luck! -Lexi :-)

  10. just do whats best, make a pro/con list to decide which is better for you. which has the better opportunity and which you would benefit more from.

  11. uhh, VARSITY

    there are plenty more times to be with your friends

    go get yourself noticed!

  12. if u have the capability to play varsity, play and get urself a scholarship. the coach will always lighten up as you get to know them a little better.

  13. Move up. Even being around the better players and practice with them will make you far better.  Also, experience is important.  The coach will lighten up and if you have three years on their team you will end up being very close to them by the end of high school.
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