
Jv tryouts are in august. i need some conditioning ideas to get in shape for the season. pllzz help!! thanks!!

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Jv tryouts are in august. i need some conditioning ideas to get in shape for the season. pllzz help!! thanks!!




  1. Get the bumping, setting and serving down cold, then work on the foot work. Volley ball isn't a standing sport which most people think it is. and when you serve, since you are JV, I recommend getting your overhand serves.

  2. You have good answers above mine.  I would just like to add working out in the pool.  Swimming will add upper body strength.  You can also work on your jump.  Get about chest deep in the water.  Crouch down like you are doing a blocking jump.  Jump.  The water will act as resistance and wil cushion your landings.  Your ankles and knees will like this drill.

    I would not recommend that you do this every day instead of doing exercises on dry land.  But you can mix this in to make your summer workouts less boring.

  3. Volleyball is a quick sport...did you know, that an average volleyball rally only lats about 10-20 like 40 sec at max.  So you need to be ready to have quick bursts of speed.

    SO, DON'T do any long distance running or on sprinting and quick movements! on sprinting like 1/4 of a lap around the track....and get your body in volleyball shape.  Also, work on shuffling and staying low...this is key for volleyball.

    Wall sits, crunches, and push-ups are also great core work along with quad work!

    To increase your vertical, work on your quads and calf-raises and squats.  Then do some squat jumps (touch the ground and then thrust your arms up with your body and jump as high as you can!

    Good luck getting in volleyball shape!

    P.S. It also will help to go out an play some volleyball, maybe get together with a friend, or a team and play some 6-on-6 or some partner work.....!

    P.P.S.S. Also, remember have FUN!

  4. Shuffling and Staying low are key for volleyball. Try finding an area in your house or driveway or gym and do shuffling keeping your but under your shoulders staying low with your arms out. If you get a partner try this passing going back and forth side to side. Wall sits are good and core work like leg lifts and crunches. Running wont help much but giving you initial endurance. And for offencive jump squats are great and just do your aproach and transition over and and over again like 20 times then rest then 20 times and get a full jump. Stand on a stair and let your heals hang down over the edge then raise them like your jumping so they are above the stair this will also increase your verticle.

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