
K, well I don't know how to explain this, but please read ?

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Well, a lot of the time recently I keep thinking a lot about life, and I always feel like I'm not really here, and that I'm fake. I get really scared, and then that butterfly in your stomach feeling. Then I feel nasious, but I never puke. I never feel like doing anything, but sitting at home watching t.v and going on the computer. When I go out I get panic attacks. When it gets really bad I think I'm suppose to kill myself (But I know not to, and that would never happen) Right now I feel alright, but I know it will happen again...No one understands, they will think I'm crazy, which I'm deffinetly not....It's like I'm scared of the world...This never started happening until after 1 time I did weed....It still feels like I'm high or something ?...Which is impossible because that happened at the begining of July, and I am never doing them again.

It just feels like I have a stomach ache most of the time....

Please don't leave any rude comments, I can't help it....I still can have fun sometimes, but even when I went shopping, which is like one of my favourate things, I didn't want to be there.

Anyways, I think it's getting better, but don't suggest I go to a

phycyatriste (however you spell it) cause I'm only 14.

I want to be one of those when I grow up, but I feel like I wont be able to finish highschool, and I'm pretty smart...I'm even taking academic...too bad I made bad choices.

Sorry this is so long, just say whatever.




  1. I feel the same way a lot. I think its normal.

  2. Hi,

    I'm glad you took the first step in asking us here at Yahoo Answers for help, but I think your problem is worthy of professional attention.

    The symptoms you are describing are characteristic of an anxiety disorder (panic attacks, nausea, and butterflies in your stomach). Sometimes anxiety occurs with something called dissociation which can be described as feeling fake or not being here. The lack of interest you have in leaving the house and in shopping might be due to this anxiety you are experiencing or possibly due to some underlying depression.

    My best guess is that you already might have had a chemical imbalance in your brain and that your anxiety symptoms were triggered when you used weed.

    I suggest you seek help from a professional. If you are too scared to tell your family what is wrong, try writing this down and showing them a note or ask to go see the doctor and speak to him or her privately about what is wrong. Another option would be to speak to someone such as a school counselor, but please ask for help because unfortunately anxiety does not go away on its own.

    The consequences this may have in the future depends on how soon you ask for help and receive it. I know this from experience; I had to miss a year of high school due to my own problems which I kept hidden for a long time until I needed intensive treatment. You are not alone in your experiences, and there is hope.

  3. Sounds very much like anxiety. You can speak to your doc or school councellor. You wouldnt affect your future career - if that is what you are worried about.... you are only 14 and also to go into that kind of work you have to know yourself really well and going through the process of some kind of therapy is expected and enhances what you can offer your clients. Dont feel bad about feeling this way. Speak to your doc - if you can speak to your mum to and they will take it from there. If your parents dont take you as seriously as you think they should then you are able to make an appointement to see a doc confidentually and they will help you work through speaking to your mum. If you can see a councellor it may help - learning new skills to help with anxious feelings, help work towards future goals, learn to enjoy the life you have now etc. It would be worth it rather then keep the feelings to yourself and them getting worse wouldnt it? Good luck :)

  4. sometimes i feel that same feeling too. but its not like because i tried weed or something.. sometimes i just get frustrated on how my life turns out. i also become scared, upset or even happy with no reasons. no one understands me when i tell them these. what makes you scared? and panicky? if u last used weed since the beginning of July then maybe it has something to do with it. I'm not really sure but maybe.

    it's okay to be lost. everyone makes bad decisions sometimes. and its all part of life. just be sure not to make the same decisions again. and learn from your mistakes. its good to hear that your good in academics. you can channel you attention in studying.

    you can still do it you know. be optimistic and always look at the brighter side. that will really help you.    

  5. Maybe you should talk to your mom or someone close to you who you can trust... because you really need someone to help you... Dont let the problem get worse.... maybe see a doctor. hope i helped! =]

  6. You sound like you're under tremendous stress. I used to have anxiety attacks when I was about 18. I was going through a lot in my life, and I felt like the world was on my shoulders. I even upset myself so much one time that I made myself literally sick. You need to get in a better state of mind. It's okay to let yourself be scared sometimes. Don't be afraid of it. Don't keep worrying that it's going to happen again...that's where your anxiety is happening. What's going on in your life? Any new changes? Do you have a hectic schedule? You seriously need to just stop everything and think about how you want your life to be. Do you want to be scared the rest of your life...or end up like most of our society; doped up on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds? That's what I asked myself....and "h**l no!" was my answer. I learned how to be stronger than that. There are plenty of teens going through the same thing as you. Not many of them talk about it though. If you need someone to talk to, or more information, feel free to shoot me an email. And good luck!

  7. You are aware of the bad choice or choices you have made and that is good.  Many people cannot admit to making any bad choices in their lifetime or choosing the wrong friends.  I admire you for  reaching out for help or advice.   You are a very brave young soul.  

    I am only a 75 year old lady that has made many mistakes in my lifetime and it took  many more than 14 years for me to smarten up and fly right.

    Do not dwell on the past (that's history).  Your tomorrows will only get better.  Believe in yourself and other people will also.  

    Depression is a feeling everyone has but some of us feel much worse than others.  Try to think good thoughts and remember your favorite times and what you could be thankful for.  or   listen to your favorite music.  

    Hope this helps you

    Good Luck Young Lady

    God Bless you

  8. Sounds like you have some paranoia...some anxiety. Medication can really help, just going to a doctor and telling them whats going on. Be honest, say you did weed and felt paranoia and it hasnt really gone away. If you dont wanna tell your parents you did weed, just tell them that you've been feeling really 'weird' and you'd like to see a doctor about it. After that, its patient/dr. confidential. Good luck!

  9. Panic attacks SUCK. Oh, they suck. Pot brings them on in me. I can count how many times I've smoked pot without even using my toes.

    Sometimes the lighting in malls and stores (flouresent lights) can bring on a panic attack., not to mention the crowds. I used to take anti anxiety drugs a long time ago until I realized they actually increased my anxiety. ( a quick down with a fast up when it wears off.)

    Panic attacks are pretty common. You are a super star to admit you have them. I don't understand what mistakes you think you have made

    You might outgrow them. If you do, let me know and maybe I can do the same. Good luck.  My ex husband runs out of the supermarket because he feels he might vomit while in line.WTF??? If I was gonna puke on the floor I just would and so what?

    So we are not alone and better off than my ex.

    Never thonk about killing youself. The plan will stress you out!!!LOL.

  10. View the techniques for control of anxiety/panic attacks, in section 8, at ezy build, below. Begin, on this first occasion, only, by holding your breath for 5, or 10 seconds: this will give you the confidence to realise that YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR BREATHING, but not pass out, or die (your autonomic nervous system resumes breathing, if you become unconscious). Understand panic attacks, and what triggers them, in your life (if it is unresolved anxiety, or stress, see sections 6, or 42, respectively). The paper bag method works for most people: try it.  

       If you are fairly suggestible, the following are reliable:

    Your last alternative is psychotherapy, to address its fundamental cause: read section 1, and examine the  website, and use the locators, and phone book. I used to suffer from panic attacks, until I questioned what had changed in my life, at, or just before that time, to trigger them. For some people, this is enough. These days, I have instilled the habit of, whenever a situation occurs where panic is likely, I visualise a large, "STOP!" sign, as vividly as possible, followed by repeating to myself: "stay calm" in my mind. You could try the same method. It usually takes 30 - 40 repetitions, for most people, to establish a new habit. I also suggest that you learn, then practise the controlled breathing technique, until competent, then employ it, at the very first sign of a panic attack.  

       Practice one of the relaxation methods on pages 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, daily, and when needed. Also, give the EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. There is also a version for use in public places, (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you massage/lightly tap your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind). Section 53, and pages 2, 2.q and 2.o at also refer: "Even though I sometimes suffer from panic attacks, I deeply and completely accept myself." Note: the controlled breathing only helps with the symptoms (as do medications/herbal remedies): you need to address the underlying cause, and this requires some form of therapy, and Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy has proved effective.

       Advice from a published psychiatrist on controlled breathing. (1.) Get a clock, or watch with a second timer. (2.) Practise for 5 minutes, 4 times daily, until proficient. (3.) Take a small breath in, and hold it, for 6 seconds. (4.) Think to yourself: "RELAX", just before breathing out. (5.) Try to feel a sense of releasing tension, as you breathe out. (6.) Breathe in for 3 seconds, then out, for 3 seconds. Try to make your breathing very smooth, and light, as you breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth, or nose. (7.) For the next minute, continue to breathe in, and out, every 3 seconds. (8.) Go back to step 3, at the end of the minute, and proceed through to step 7, doing this for 5 minutes. Use this at the very first sign of a panic attack starting, or any time you feel anxious, or tense.  

       Because many people can't access/afford professional therapy, I include the EFT, and EMDR variant for them to try, free of charge. Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy is generally available in most areas, but EMDR (see section 33) may well be worth trying, and is becoming more widespread.

      A variant of EMDR therapy, which has been used successfully for those people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, insomnia, and anxiety is shown in PANIC: COMPREHENSIVE POST in section 8. You may well have derealisation, which is addressed in section 46, and depression: section 2: view page R first, then female depression, teen depression? and the rest.      

            It may also help to minimise, or eliminate caffeine products from your life (coffee can be a trigger) and sugar. Xylitol, or Stevia is preferable, (health food stores) or fruit sugar (fructose, such as "Fruisana", from supermarket sugar aisles) or even a little honey. Minimise/eliminate consumption of highly processed foods, particularly grain products, such as white bread, donuts, cake, cookies/biscuits, or anything with sugar. Opt for more wholefoods, non-starchy vegetables, and fruit.  

  11. Talk to your Mom & Dad about this (except the weed part).It sounds like depression.

  12. Sounds like your early doobie experience has really opened your eyes to reality. Things like shopping are unfulfilling becuase you realize the importance of individual existence. Without knowing it you have experienced a mind~body connection that is not nurtured by society. Don't be scared anymore, just do something about it. It sounds like you need to allow yourself to tap into creativity that will build your self esteem as well as create an outlet for your negative feelings toward the harsh world we live in.  I used to feel out of body and fake laying in my bed as a teenager, becuase my mom was terribly manipulative and abusive, and I couldn't then imagine a better world. BUt I always knew there was more for me. I have so many things to be thank ful since my adulthood blossomed. Yours will too, be patient and love yourself, for you are the GOD you are looking for and you will be nurtured in the ways you hope someday. You have to make it happen for you tho, cuz there ain't no one else in this world who knows what you want and what you need more than yourself!!! Good luck!

  13. Friend, you have panic attack, me too but my experience is worst than you.  I have very fast heart beat together with breathless, I thought I have a heart attack.  That was a period, about few weeks.  It was difficulty for me to walk out of the house, I very scare, nervous, the horrible symptom is coming any times.  I was felt meaningless that time and thinking how to live with that horrible feeling.  March 08, I started see a counsellor and I get better.  I would like to share with you what I had learn from the counsellor.

    1.  Breathing technique - take deep breath, hold for 3 second and slow breath out, do it for one mins or more until you feel comfortable.  Important:  do it before you have panic attack and practise it daily.

    2.  Every night before sleep, think somethings happy.

    3.  Meet up with friends, chatting with friend to distract your panic.

    4.  Go to a place can cause you panic, 1 min go home, next time increase by 2 mins, go home and slowing increase, remember to do the breathing technique at the same times.

    Hope we can recover soon.  Cheer!

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