
K what am i??

by  |  earlier

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i know im "different" becuase i have supreme hearing, can feel auras, notice things that people dont, sometimes i feel like i have a demon inside me, sense presenses, and know things people dont. so am i a psychic or something? or something else?




  1. You are a human being just like everyone else is. .

  2. We all have something inside of us but we are too active to become aware of it.  Seems like you ponder and reflect in quite places and that something (it is not a demon) that is dormant in most individuals, caresses your senses.  I don't think you are psychic because you are asking these questions.  Having said this, you posses the qualities which are part of individuals who are special.  Again, what you are experiencing is not a "demon" it is your special something that want to show itself to you.  Welcome it and you will soon feel differently and you will see the world as it really is.

  3. omg im exactly the hearing is way above average...i can fell auras too and notice things that usually are unnoticed!!!

    thats rly creepy !!!

  4. Schizophrenic.

  5. It sounds like you just have heightened senses. Nothing big.

  6. i agree with Matt heightened senses.

  7. there are many poeple that are more sensitive to the spiriet world than others..Consider it a blessing and use for good.  you can help spirits find peace...NOT an evil thing....only if you use it for evil purposes....

    Learn about the different colors of auras people have and what they say about that person..real can be a step ahead dof everyone will know a true FAKIR....HUGS!!

  8. mabey youre like a medium?  or mabey you have extra sensory perception (esp).

  9. You are just that, "different" If you wouls like to e-mail or message me, I'll talk more and figure out "What" you are. But you shouldn't worry, many people have...powers...It's not uncommon. your not alone.

  10. whats a auras
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