
K12 is not in my state what other options are there?

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I live in Illinois and i am interested in starting home school. I would like to take all my classes online and if thats not an option whatever else there is. Btw im a sophomore in HS.





  2. You can try

    But that does cost money. What my brother does (he is also a sophomore in high school) is take online courses at school, that way the classes are free but they are still online.

  3. find out what charter schools there are in your area...there is a link here that may help you

  4. I have a nice site for u where u get  information about All types of HomeSchooling & Free HomeSchooling.

  5. A homeschool option is to look into homeschool online course co-ops. I (homeschool mom) am volunteering with one right now. It is still in the experimental phase this year, but it is going great so there are plans to scale up to a full co-op next fall. If you are curious about it, go to This link takes you to our website, but most of the classes actually occur in a live, online classroom. It has full duplex audio, text chat, and a whiteboard system. The teaching is done live and there are other homeschoolers right there in the classroom. The classes are free. Let me know if you would like to have him visit a class to see what it is like.

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