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After watching the appalling documentary on the kennel club standards and watching a load of dogs in agony and the kennel club making excuses in not applying more rules and regulations to benefit the dogs welfare and health:

What is your opinion?

What would you like to see done (no silly answers please)?

How do you think we could stop the Kennel Club in their tracks and make sure the rules promoting good animal welfare is applied?




  1. We could start by putting a stop to ignorant BYBs who are quite happy to breed their untested, unhealthy, temperamentally deficient pets so that "Butch" can enjoy his manhood and "Buffy" can experience the joys of motherhood and the kids can experience "the miracle of birth", even though they know nothing about breeding, whelping, nutrition, socializing or any of the other things needed to raise healthy, sound, mentally stable dogs.

  2. The show did shock me in once sense, more so about the reaction from the KC. There are some breeders out there of different breeds that don't seem to care about the health disorders as they think their dog meets the breed standard and is perhaps a champion despite any underlying health problems.

    My issue is that i really honestly think that the KC needs to stand up and require all dogs to have the relevant health checks needed for that breed, all the results go back to the KC and they can record them. If the results are not good then no litter will be able to be registered if they should choose to use it in the breeding programme.

    If breeders and most do love showing and many would want to continue and many do care for their breed they would abide by this.

    There are many healthy dogs out there which do well in the show ring.

    The BBC covered a very much one sided view, but saying that they have opened up the eyes to breeders and potential owners alike to the fact that dogs need to be health screened.

    Also there is no point screening a dog and have poor results, like bad hips or elbows and then still using the dog in a breeding programme, it makes no sense.

    If those in Sweden can do it why can't we?? Surely the FCI can make some form of mark on it?? If it means we loose a few breeders, then so be it, they obviously don't care for the health and well being of the breed anyway. Surely this may also assist in getting rid of some BYB if they can't register a litter with the KC, then maybe more people would think about where they get a puppy after seeing the show.

    Further to this i show and will continue to do so and will be attending Crufts, i would not boycott something which is close to my heart.

  3. Stop the kennel Club  in its tracks? Don't be so ridiculous.

    The Kennel Club is far from perfect but what seem to you to be simple solutions are far more complicated.

    There are nearly 200 different breeds recognised by the Kennel Club - How many were represented on the programme last night?

    The standards are there to ensure that exaggerations do not creep in, they are there to ensure that the dog is able to perform whatever job he was originally bred to do. If people choose to interprete that standard wrongly, it's not the Kennel Club's fault.

    Do you know anything at all about the way the Kennel Club operates? About its joint health schemes with the BVA?

    No, I didn't think so.

    Instead of watching a programme for 1 hour, try doing your own research - or is that too much like hard work?

  4. I didn't see it, but from the comments that people have been posting about it, it seems like a bunch of sensationalism and propaganda. NOT an accurate representation of what a good breeder is like.

    They found a few unethical breeders and ran with it, making it seem like everyone is like that. Which isn't true.


    A dog has to be 2 years old to be screened for genetic health issues. They can begin showing at 6 months (at least for the AKC, I don't know what the KC's rules are).

    A reputable breeder *will* have the dogs tested for any genetic health issues prior to breeding them.


  5. Eugh. That documentry was probably one of the most disturbing programs I have ever seen on television.

    It made me so sad watching that program - Britain a nation of dog lovers? The show german shepherds could hardly walk. The pug and bulldogs could hardly breathe. The Crufts champion 2003 had to sit on an ice pack after winning because he was so ill.

    I think the lady that made me the most angry was the Rhodesian Ridgeback beeder, a blonde with a pinky red lipstick as sickening as her views. That lady said that any puppies born without a ridge should be CULLED! These puppies are perfectly healthy! They could be beautiful pets! And the worst thing was, these puppies are healthier than the ridged ones! I felt like I wanted to kill that lady! And in the Rhodesian Ridgeback code of ethics, it said that ridgeless puppies should be culled! If I was a vet I just wouldn't do it.

    This program was full of horrid middle aged or old ladies with disgusting views on dog showing and the breed standard.

    I sincerely hope that the Kennel Club will change as many breed standards as possible, and as soon as possible.

    That poor home viedo of the cavalier dog with syringomyelia was heartbreaking, as was the video of Zak, the Boxer with epilepsy.

    As for the last question, it is terrible but I have no idea. We are basically powerless. If I could think of something, I would write it here but I am stumped. And that is the worst part. We can barely do anything, especially if these stupid people breeding mutant dogs don't listen.

  6. personally - i have, and would never own a toy dog breed, or such deformed breed like pugs and bulldogs (even Dalmatians)- it's just the way i've been brought up -  dogs are working animals (family pets, guards etc), and should have the strenght and health to be happy

    it's the idiots who buy such dogs that give the breeders the money

  7. I haven't seen this documentary.  I'm sure there are breeders out there who aren't doing a good job... just like any job, some people are going to be better at it, and care more about it than others.  Before installing a big set of rules and regulation within the KC, I'd like to find out exactly where the problems are, and what/who is causing them.  Rules and regulations only help if people are going to follow them... and the irresponsible people who the rules are geared towards, aren't going to follow the rules simply because they're irresponsible.

    In the end it's up to the individual breeders to uphold a standard of good animal welfare, IMO.

  8. AT LAST!!! I'm so happy about this documentary! =] its finally bought to light the 'purebreeds' who are not pure breeds but inbred and bred to have specific looks and characteristics tht eventually will be the death of them.  tis horrible thankyou for bringing it to peoples attention for anyone who missed it!

  9. Anyone who watched that on TV and who was not disgusted by what they saw cannot really care much for dogs, it was heartbreaking to hear scientists and vets explaining what the dogs were going through. I feel it will change over time as the public will become more informed, and when their sick dog is constantly at the vets this will not be just put down to bad luck or some other misfortune it will be recognised these traits are being deliberately bred into the breed.  People will be taking more care and selecting dogs based upon health and not how many CCs they have won at shows. I had not realised breeders were deliberately breeding for disabilities and deformaties.

  10. i used to always want to go to crufts, but now i am boycotting it. that documentary made me cry. i think more rules should be made about the dogs' health when entering the comps & stricter rules when breeding pedigrees, & i think there should be laws about breeding dogs with painful diseases.

  11. Oh my God!

    I watched that last night, and when I saw that Crufts and all that like dogs breeding like very close breeding I was shocked. I can't believe some of the stuff on there. They will happily cull a dog that hasnt got a specific look but they don't put down some dogs suffering with dangerous and result in a painful death from illnessed such as epilepsy and that one where the skull tightens aroung the brain. I know its horrible to put down a dog that you love, but I personally wouldnt want my poor dog to suffer with pain and illness all its life.

    Chloe :)

  12. Righton Anwen.  I'm really saddened that the BBC should stoop so low as to air this sort of sensationalism.  Yes, there were some pretty terrible things shown last night, and noone can deny there are some pretty unethical people out there churning out litter after litter, but what about the vast number of breeders who are striving to better their bloodlines and thereby their breed.  Yes, the KC reps didn't come across very well (how much was edited out I wonder)  But what happened to unbiased reporting BBC.  Sorry, this is pandering to the ignorant masses.  I wouldn't have expected much worse from the lowest of the gutter press, truly.  And if I hear INTER-breeding one more time, I'll not be responsible.

    And finally - why the heck was that poor screaming Cav left to scream on the floor?  For the benefit of the film crew?  Disgusting, totally disgusting.

  13. i saw it.and was shocked.

  14. You notice all the people defending the kennel club and saying the program was biased are getting quite annoyed.I wonder why.The truth is hurting.

  15. I have answered a question like this so many times, i say all dogs should be screened and classed as healthy before showing them, as a healthy dog is more important than a dog made to suffer.

    everyone who puts this answer though gets a thumbs down.

    my boyfriend wrote a question on here(or should a  say a rant) and you should see the abuse he got.

    if you read my questions what i wrote you will see how some(and i'm not saying all) breeders are trying to justify what they do

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