

by  |  earlier

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i have kerotoconus in both eyes wore piggy back contacts hard over soft for years had a cornea transplant in left eye 3 yrs ago healed and was fitted wit a contact for the trans eye wit a contact for astigmatism/. had neovascularization of my left cornea bout 5 mo,'s ago so took out every stitch which chanmged my RX for that eye an got a new lense fitted. i started smokin pot bout 3 years ago when an optom. told me that it does decrease corneal sensitivity hence why it was tolerable wearin the rgp over soft lenses when i smoked freq. but every now an then i run out or am broke for few days an durrin them few days it gets unbearable to wear the piggy back lenses in right eye again like before majorly and my left eye wit lense in goes all blurry as h**l as if i got wrong RX in it. and when i get more pot an smoke couple times i seem to do better as time goes by say hourly. i aint making this upo either like some would say im a pothead lookin for a justified excuse, well yeah i am a pot head was one in my teens quit for 5 yrs to work railroad const. cuz of drug screens and when my KT got worse i started again and noticed awesome results in little time only they last as long as i smoke on a regular basis at least once a day usually i do my dose at night before bed also helps unwind and sleep too. now can i can an educated persons HONEST opinion on this link wit pot an keratoconus. i honestly am not making this up wat i concluded from usin pot wit KT.... most see that i used prior to bein diagnosed wit KT and they just assume im lookin for a free pass to smoke pot for kix. not true people so only doctors and people who are familiar with keratoconus respond. aint interested in the drugs are bad c**p. p[ots not a drug. cocaine heroin and meth and pills are drugs. not pot. and FYI i graduated honor roll in my class so for those who think pot trashes ur life ur wrong i smoked almost daily all thruout high school...also some info i have read says that KT can lead to glaucoma esp in corneal transplant patients later afterward. could i maybe be experiencing symptoms of glaucoma and the pot keeps my pressure low enough in my eye to where it dont bother me til i dont smoke 4 a couple days. i also live in a state that does not have medicinal pot laws so my dr's will not discuss it wit me due to legalities etc... i aint crazy nor am i high right now while typing this so i am totally aware of wat i am talking about. thank you in advance for who ever responds hopefully an eye dr who's educated in keratoconus(KT) and is aware of effects of marijuana on the eyes in conjunction with kt possibly




  1. Sorry, I don't know...

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