
KFC, watch this if you have not already. Now tell me if you would still eat from this resturant!?

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I was looking through YouTube videos the other day searching stuff like MSG and KFC quality and i stumbled accross a documentary on KFC presented by Pamela Anderson of all people! Publicity stunt some may say but she is still just human so she may actually care about this disgusting way they treat livestock.

Check it... its only 4.30 mins...




  1. That's horrible! No animal should be treated that way, even if they are simply raised for food.

    I would never eat at KFC because of the disgusting ways they deep fry their food, but now I will do my best to try to convince others to the same, not only because of the unhealthiness, but the way they are so cruel to animals.

    Thanks for sharing this, it's truly eye-opening.

  2. Yes I will eat there on my way now because of this.   PETA should not be allowed to make these stories and publish them.  Animals raised for food are slaughtered and that is a fact/  Animals are raised to be food....Plus Pam Anderson is the biggest loser and fake person.  Besides I want my meat, I enjoy it and my right to eat meat and chicken.......Whatever she does she does for money. Before her implants werre approved the chemicals were tested on animals...what  hypocrosy  ....

  3. I couldn't watch it, I have to have the flash player. By the way you have to kill cows and pigs to eat beef and pork . So what is the difference?

  4. I don't eat KFC as it is, not because of this (don't get me wrong, I feel bad that some chicken are treated this way, but this happens to virtually all chickens who're sold chicken chians all over the world, I'm sure it's even worse in other countries), but because KFC's food doesn't taste as good as it used to.l It has this srange aftertaste that I can't really describe, but I'm guessing that it's from the new trans-fat free oil that they use.

    The sad truth is that this sort of thing happens everyday, and it's even worse in places like China where cats are thrown from trucks while in cages and are skinned for their fur. Animals are abused everyday, and it's a very horrible thing. What I don't like is how PETA makes things bigger than they are and blows them way out of proportion by using propaganda tatics and preying on the weak-minded. From what I've heard they've even resorted to violence and destruction of property (throwing red paint on fur coats) to get their point across, and it's just wrong. Whatever happend to peaceful protesting?

  5. I've watched it before. I do not like KFC not only because of the cruelty, but they're very unsanitary.

  6. Melissa..  Calm down it's just  chicken so what if  KFC  treats there chicken that way, it not like there your pets chicken  but still that video means nothing to me.  and all it did was make me hungry for chicken, so i'm going to go KFC  and eat their chicken to remember those poor chicken.!

  7. awe.

    poor chickens.

    my great uncle used to own a farm.

    my brother and i would play with the chickens everytime we went over there.

    they deserve to be treated well.

    they already have to get eaten.

    humans don't understand horrible this is.


    i'm not eating KFC anymore.

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