
KID GAMES FOR AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM??? thanks so much! fun kid games!?!?

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KID GAMES FOR AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM??? thanks so much! fun kid games!?!?

helpp! i need game ideas for my afterschool programs. something un common. I would like for each person to be ready to teach both a small space (inside or calm) game as well as an active and physical activity that you have not done or seen done here at afterschool.

games other than the usual. this is my hw from my boss and i dont know any! please be deatailed! list a calm game and a hyperish/ run around type of game!

have a description of both of these games. The description should include Material needed, time suggested, and an explanation how to lead the activity.




  1. I am new and cant vote. I am a early childhood educator and I think Shelby had some great information. I am so happy that you are putting time into the planning part before you get it started.  I am sure that Shelby would agree however that if you plan too much you end up with what we ECE people call a "adult centred" activity.  The more rules and regulations you have the more you will need to be involved for its "success"  I have learned that often times the activities that encompass the most (cognition, social, emotional, physical) are often the ones where the children can take ownership of by somehow influencing the activity.  I encourage you to think of the experiences in your childhood that were deeply personal and you will remember this to be a aspect of it.  Just rid your day of 2 things....Power...Control.  I think that Shelby has given you a great bit of resource and I wish you some good connections.......

  2. Fun chocolate activities

  3. Usually I write  volumes when I answer; however for this --the best thing you can do is to visit

    At this time, there are 53 gym and outside games for children from Kindergarten to grade 6 ---

    19 games for Pre-School to first grade, and 22 table games for mixed ages! There are also games in the holiday and seasonal threads--as well as others. Each game is complete with needed materials and directions! There are all levels of activity. is a website devoted to "Before & After School Care Professionals---although there are many parents and teachers that also use the site. Spend some time, and you'll see it's your "ONE STOP EVERYTHING" that is School-Age Care!!!

  4. for a quiet game, sleeping-lions never seems to fail, where they all lie really still and the one whole lies still and quiet for longest is the winner.  mum always used to do "Kim's Game" before food at a party, where you have a tray with a number of interesting items on they have to memorise them then you cover it up and they have to remember, then remove the cover and something's missing - can they spot it.  good in teams or individuals; you can work together with younger ones and talk about what all the things are and how we remember them

  5. You must give them an interesting lesson and give them attenttion to all.

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