
KIDS TANTRUMS! does anyone else have trouble getting their kids dressed in the mornings?

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My sister has a 3year old daughter and she recently has been throwing a lot of temper tantrums. She can be the sweetest wee girl but then she can just freak out over the smallest thing. when we ask her why she loses her temper just says she cant help it.

She makes my sis life really hard in mornings refuses to get dressed and is quite obsessive when it comes to putting on her socks and shoes. if her shoes aren't tight enough she totally loses it, and her socks have to be pulled right up no wrinkles etc.

my sister is going to try behaviour charts and keeping to routine in mornings etc. i was just wondering if anyone else had this problem with their kids and what techniques you tried?





  1. get in touch with health visitor and ask for the webster and stratton course its life changing  

  2. Hey i let my son choose.. i pick out 2 or 3 different sets of clothes.. like Top/Shorts/Jacket and let him pick the ones he wants to wear..

    sometimes if he is lucky he gets to pick his own clothes out the drawer but i have this terrible thing where if his clothes dont match or go well together i get really antsy and i have to change them! bit of OCD there!

    Try getting her to pick her own clothes.. within reason, if its a cold day u dont want her going out with a skirt etc... just say its cold outside u need trousers today.. would u like to help mummy pick some clothes that you want to wear... trust me temper tantrums will dissapear!  

  3. Sounds familiar, though I don't think my monster is quite as ferocious or particular as yours!

    Kids at that age want ot do it for themselves, so hassling them gets the wrong result. Just leave them do it or not as the case maybe - they won't go out with just pyjamas on twice. And praise them to the hilt when they get it right.Stars, stickers, kisses on a chart help them to remember how good it feels to be praised. But a sticker without the praise has exactly the opposite effect.

    Other than that try distraction - kids have mega-short attention span, so distraction rarely fails. Oh who's that out the window, where did we put that game/puzzle/doll/cat, wow you're hair looks pretty today, what can we get granny for a birthday present, did you hear that noise, whatever,  just change the subject with a degree of surprise.

  4. Let her choose her clothing the night before and make the routine that she can't leave her room until she's dressed. Set an alarm clock to wake her and train her to get up, dress herself, and then come out for breakfast. That way, it's the alarm that's woken her, and it's up to her to ready herself.  

  5. My 3 yr old "diva" son is just the same, so I let him choose which clothes and shoes he'd like to wear and also let him help me dress himself. I believe it makes him feel special and helpful thus remove's the tantrum, but some mornings he can be a total pain no matter what!!

    Kids for ya lol

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