
KISS Method for currency trading?

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I'm interested in learning about currency trading for the CNBC million dollar contest. I've done pretty well with stocks (by pure luck), but am clueless about "Forex" trading. Any help will be appreciated. NOTE: I don't even understand the language it uses.




  1. let me get this straight, you want to learn forex and you want to learn it fast. if so, check out this site.  being one of the leaders in forex business, it is very popular among forex traders. it offers background information for the Forex market, Guided-Tour, seminars, one-on-one training, CHAT, telephone support, as well as other assistance tools, including technical support.  it enables users to start trading immediately and with no software required to download you may login to your account and trade anytime, from anywhere. for a minimum deposit of at least $100.00, which you can also use to trade later, and you will be provided a personal Account Service Manager (ASM) with whom you can talk live via phone, email or chat.  you can then take this opportunity to ask everything you want to know about forex.  being an expert forex trader himself, your ASM will be your best resource person and he will even trade along with you so that you will get to familiar yourself about how the real trade is done and give you the tips and tricks you need to know and do to achieve a profitable forex dealing.  meantime, Register and download a Free Ebook.

  2. First thing you should do is to download a demo account from any on line broker and start doing trade. The more trade you do the better you will understand it. Just see my statement:

  3. Focus more on fundamentals than technical analysis. Economic news analysis is what moves the markets.

    Here is a free site that shows what has happened after economic news releases:

  4. If you're interested here are reviews of the top 3 selling Forex trading systems: http://forex-tracer.the-perfect-solution...

  5. Dear Friend!!!!

    I think before going with live forex accounts you should start learning concepts and get familiar with the forex terminology. you can try

    I am using Finexo since long and has never faced such problem. Though this is smooth software which provides timely updates and trading tips yet i follow news only when i make them into my requirement and get it confirmed by their experts. That is the secret of my successful trading career.

  6. make sure you get some software where u can practice your heart out with play money until you invest for real,

    i'm using the software below to practice, practice, practice before i use real cash

  7. First, forex is not investing and is a risky venture. Second, see the sites below which might help you understand stuff. Third be VERY careful because there are lots of people in this arena who claim to have found a way to make money from forex and the vast majority are failed currency traders. It is far better that you do the study for yourself and come up with your own method... it is HARD work!

  8. View It Now    FinanceExtends (dot) com

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