
KITTEN HELP please HELP!!!! i dont know what to do!!!

by  |  earlier

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I accidentally stepped on my kitten's (4 mo. old) front left paw today and he screamed and limped away. i took him to my room and he was crying and limping. now it been like 15 minutes and hes still crying. and when i touch his paw he screams. whats wrong? will it go away? what can i do???? thank you!!!!!




  1. This happened with our puppy when we got him.  He was always under our feet!  He cried for a few days but the Vet found no broken bones.  He was just sore and bruised:(

    I would say if he does not stop then to take him to the vet!  

  2. Usually, they (the kittens) like to make it much more dramatic than it needs to be. Most of the bones and parts of a kitten's paw are "soft" and therefore are not easily broken. However, if she still seems to be in pain after about 1 or 2 days, you may want to take her to the vet. Although, ther is very little that they can do except immobilize it and help it heal naturally. Just try and keep her "grounded". Try not to make her move around too much for the next couple days. Keep everything on the floor for her, and try and keep her from jumping down from anything too high. That will help avoid re-injury.

    Good luck!


  3. Stop your kitten from moving around and doing further damage.

    Inspect toe pads and nails, looking for open wounds.

    If he is in pain, see your vet.

    If your pet is limping but carrying weight on the foot then nothing is broken...take him to the vet anyway.

  4. possibly broke a bone. I would take him to a emergency vet clinic if u kno were one is.. if not take him to the vet tomorrow

  5. Get him to a vet. His toe nail could have broken.

    It's so easy to step or trip over cats because they are always under you legs while your walking. You just need to clam down and find a emergency animal hospital. At this time of night you are going to be paying a lot so if he calms down a little put him in a box or crate and leave him alone until morning and call your vet that way you can try and save your self a little money. Hopefully he's just sore and nothing is broken.  Best of luck

  6. Awww :(

    Just call your local vet and ask them of any suggestions on what to do. It could possibly but rarely be broken. But don't take any chances, just call, it won't hurt! :)

    Answer mine? :)

  7. Its possible that he could of broken it that something happened to the nail. Give him so space and some time. If its bleeding it could be the nail. If he is in excruciating pain take him to a VEC ( veterinary emergency clinic) I'll tell you it is $$$ but they do a good job. Or take your kitten to the vet first thing in the morning.

  8. I think kitty has a broken or badly bruised toe. I am not a vet, so I think you should take him to one so he can be treated appropriately for it's condition. Good luck

  9. Quickly! Take him to the vet clinic because his third toe would most likely be broken.How would you feel if you broke a finger? Seriously!

    I am sorry for what happened.I hope this helped.I hope that your cat feels better.

  10. He probably has a broken toe. He will recover if you take him to a vet ASAP. If there is none open tonight, keep him still until you can take him tomorrow morning. After the vet gives him a splint and stuff, he will be fine.

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