
KX85 Motorcycle Suspension set up for 80lb kid?

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KX85 Motorcycle Suspension set up for 80lb kid?





    ask them.

  2. The KX 85 comes stock with good suspention, but it needs to be dialed in for his riding style. The spring rate should be consistant with the riders weight. You can go online to, and plug in the numbers for the bike and rider, and what type of riding you do, and it will tell you what spring rates you should be running.

    Set the sag, and static sag.

    set the fork rebound and compression, as well as the shock rebound and compression. Turn the adjuster screws all the way in, or clockwise, then count how many clicks it takes to max it out, while turning the adjuster s***w counter clock wise. It should be about 20 clicks.

    Then divide that number in which you just counted by 2 and turn that same adjuster s***w in that many clicks.

    This is not a set up for all riders, but it will put your suspension in the middle adjustment range.

    go ride the bike on a track or someplace you usually go, if the forks and shock are too soft, then tighten the adjuster s***w as needed. but when you adjust the forks or shock, just remember to put a few clicks in at a time...

    all riders require different settings, what works for me, might not work for someone else. This should help you find the settings that match your riding style.....

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