
Kadian (long acting morphine). Just prescribed, not sure how long each pill lasts in your body....?

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I asked a similar question few days ago and got some really good help, so thank you all. But I have 1 last one that I forgot to ask before.......

I didn't start the Kadian yet (I still am using 6 Norco/day); but want to at least try the Kadian soon to see how well it works. I've never been on a "Long acting" med before, so I don't know what to expect. well actually I did try oxycontin, which is longer acting; but it didn't work too well for me and only lasted about 8 hours versus the 12 they said.


on the Kadian website, it says stuff about it being able to be dosed for either 12 or 24 hours.....are those 2 separate pills?? Or do they just mean that some people only take it once per day, have it work for 12 hours or so (I'm guessing a bit less if like most "long acting meds") and then hurt the other 12 hours in the day?

Or is there a 24 hour version of Kadian? I really can't figure it out from their site....I'll add my quick prescription details below right now.....




  1. What's written on presription IS the most confusing thing!

    It should never have been written like that.

    It could mean, as you say, take one pill in the AM for a week. Then 2 pills in the AM for the following week.

    Which in itself makes no sense at all.

    SR (slow release) meds usually last a full 12 hours before needing another dose in the system to keep up the pain relief.

    According to the site, some people, I myself take Tramal SR 200 once a day instead of twice, can get by on one tablet in the AM and find that they can get through the night without another dose before bedtime.

    I think there is a typo on your prescription and need to contact the Chemist who wrote it and ask him to explain the EXACT way of taking it.

    EDIT: What the copy page is saying is some people can tolerate just one pill a day, higher strength, to deal with their pain. Other's need to take a lower dose twice a day. Generally 12 hours apart.

    You are on a low dose.

    I THINK, don't quote me on this, that they are trying to see if ONE dose for ONE week at 30mg is ENOUGH to deal with your pain?

    If not then 60mg maybe the right dose.

    60mg is an average dose. They go up to 200.

    They are slow release with the coating so do bulid up in the system slowy and then leave slowly.

    The Chemist gave you no further instructions on if to take 2 next week?

    He's incompitent as our Chemist would have rung the Dr.

    Either way if you take 2 in the morning on the second week the dose may last you the full 24hours by lessening your pain a great deal

    Maybe this is what the copy website is saying back to front?

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