
Kaleidescope type blurring in my right eye, what could it be?

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I am 13 weeks pregnant. This morning I had a pretty bad bout with morning sickness. I've herad of straining your eyes while vomiting, but this blurry effect didn't start for almost an hour afterwards. I'm even having difficulty seeing my monitor to make sure I'm spelling correctly. I have to scan the monitor just to be able to see. It's only in one eye though, the right, with a slight twinge of pain in my left temple on occasion. Does anyone have any idea what this might be and if it's super serious? I know it sounds bad, but I can't afford to miss work unless it's an absolute emergency. Please someone answer ASAP. Serious answers only please.




  1. Honestly, Get to a doctor and get off the computer. The monitor is like shinging a light directly onto your retina. It will make it worse. If your work don't understand it then I guess it is there loss. I would suggest going to a doctor ASAP, never can be to safe with a baby. :)

  2. Optician NOT doctor.  And SOON.

  3. Here, check this out and in the meantime please call your doctor.  This sounds like it could be serious, please get checked out.

    ADD: It sounds like you may have just had something in your eye.  Glad to hear it is now better.

  4. Sudden blurry vision should always be evaluated by a doctor that day.  Plan to see the doctor ASAP after work.  Is your vision bad enough that you're not safe to drive?

    Are you wearing contact lenses by any chance? If so, one of them may have been bumped out of position.

  5. This sounds very much like you have experienced an ocular migraine.  A migraine is a brain vascular phenomenon where blood vessels in the brain spasm and constrict thereby altering blood flow to areas in the brain.  If this occurs in an auditory area of the brain you can hear unusual sounds like ringing or rushing sounds, etc.  If it is in a tactual area you may notice numbness in say your fingers or toes or other places.  If it happens to occur in the visual cortex then you can have strange visual symptoms such as you have described.  

    CLASSIC migraine will be associated with a severe headache that occurs very soon after the symptoms abate.  But sometimes a person does not get the headache following the episode.  This is when we call it an ocular migraine, because it only involves the prodromal symptoms and not the secondary headache.  SO, I think you are probably perfectly fine BUT it would be a good idea to call your OBGYN and let him or her know about this.

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