
Kamal karna roy a gop leader for next u s president 2008 ?

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Voting Question: association of committee to elect the rev dr kamal karna roy v. homeland security dept us issue birth obama?

Voting Question: newer horizon demanded in usa politicking. can non natural born + nonbinding resolution senate run pres U S ?

Resolved Question: rev dr kamal k k roy. mba(m s suny maritime college,ny 74,id#578804399 ph d, ll.b,gop rebel us pres. nominee?

see web on seach words: "kamal karna roy ". see below: Yahoo!My Yahoo!Mail Make Y! your home pageYahoo! SearchSearch:Welcome, diparoy67 [Sign Out, My Account]Answers Home -Forum -Blog -Help Ask Answer Discover Search for questions: Advanced My Profile Home > Politics & Government > Government > Your Open Question Dipa_ Ray_mondal Member since: February 21, 2008 Total points: 8 (Level 1) Your Open QuestionShow me another » You may not know a person, a gop member,clergy, leader of people millions, u s gop pres rebel nominee to be? world news of a leader in making inusa dt 7.3. 2008 new york: Yahoo!My Yahoo!Mail Make Y! your home pageYahoo! SearchSearch:Welcome, vishwa_dh [Sign Out, My Account]Answers Home -Forum -Blog -Help Ask Answer Discover Search for questions: Advanced My Profile Home > Politics & Government > Politics > Resolved Question Premansu ROY DAS Member since: April 15, 2008 Total points: 8 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Resolved QuestionShow me another » The rev kamal karna karuna roy ,newer horizon in sight for resolution _ bipartisan/ unique political resolve? effective on voters, McCain disassociating himself doesn't undo that effect. Because it's that first system, that affective, intuitive one, that's at play. P: It's the benefit without the burden. He can distance himself after the fact. The RNC has said that they're not going to officially make attacks on race and gender, but you can have other groups raise these concerns and it works to McCain's advantage. The other question here is how Obama and Clinton may tear themselves apart heading into the convention and the general election by raising all these questions about each other. They're provoking these implicit biases among the general electorate as we speak--and the Republican Party may not have to do much next fall. Featured, Expertinent, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama Permalink: Sphere It! Digg It! Newsvine Facebook Thanks for sharing your feedback! If your feedback doesn't appear right away, please be patient as it may take a few minutes to publish - or longer if the blogger is moderating comments. DiscussEnter Your CommentSubmit Member Comments Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN (April 25, 2008 at 4:17 AM) appeal to majority white population in usa by the reverend dr kamal karna roy , a gop contender of u s presidency 2008 electoral competiotion now in progress. white majority are possibly in sleep now. or they may may be unconmscious and possibly not in coma. pl do wake up. leadership of usa is going to be auctioned off to a female viz clinton mrs or a 1/2 black person who talks big without a bit of substance in this ethics and realities of usa. a woman president in usa is a very good idea. but u may not benefit from a woman leader of usa, who possibly was involved in whitewater real estate scandal which remained overed with scandalous mystery as the possible most corrupt in the deal hillary r clinton was not fully investigated as during the whitewater r/e investigations hillary was hiding or was covered in a clintonian first woman cloak. One top white house aide linked in above scandal was killed, or he disappeared by death or in a broader conspiracy he was removed from scene of investigations of said scandal many members of we the people lost millions in the deceiving operation of whitewater.reinvestigation is demanded to all law enforcement authorities of usa or stat of arkansas. only one thing i found of the investigatioins. illfamed hillary has been trying nowto steal fame among people by intending to be u s democrat president by causing public sentiment thatshe was woman and a woman presidentshoule b elected.The problem with hillary is she is doubtful, deficient in honesty and she is no proven leader to take as big responsibility of us president. a diffent story is for inability of barrak hussain obama. He is half black no doubt.. he is an opportunist without any question. he changed his religious faith from islam to christianity for privilege to hiself. He changed his nam,partly He changed his economic status by making ponzi crime deal of buying reidential hom with sweet_heart deal with a would be felon as alleged, now in jail and 199% sure he did not pay i r s taxes from illegal bargain for turning himself to be millionaire.Now he is trying to prove that he was leader likejfk or martin luther king jr . He is nothing but oratory magician He is a junk_patrio of usa. He needed clean up his face to show himself clearly to we the people. barrack hussain obama did hear sermon from rev wright which was apparently anti american_terrorist,s voice in usa. as religious leader wright could utter words against some oppressions of black community in usa. his talk was immune under freedom of expression and especillyu wright spoke in court of presumed god christ. But obama's fke renouncement of his 20 years of close relationship with rev right make obama a very devious man as he attended sermons , say , without feeling goo or bad about it whether patriotic or anti american. dump hillary or obama, white majority in usa , yu as a group in human civilization have been excellent selector or a leader like washington, lincoln, roosevelt of reagan, w , then why u sould pick up a counterfeit leader, who be a woman like hillary or black like obama. U could draft a better black person or a better woman to beyour leader if u find it harder to find an optimally good and talented patriot for the job of u s president . look around u may find a true leader for u. from 1. 20. 2009. Pl do not junk you future with sense o nobility to woman or a black.see below : DiscussEnter Your CommentSubmit Member Comments Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN (April 21, 2008 at 8:22 PM) 4.21.2008new york rev makhan lal ghosh , democratice reforms agent & asst to dr kamal karna roy , a gop presidential hopeful and demanding to be mr cleaner gop would be president of nov 4 scheduled election of 2008 if be held on schedule as prayers were made inthe 42+ usd court jurisdictions in most regions of usa to postpone u s presidential election of 2008 for massive corruptions by 550+ defendants during 2007-08 to harm. to pain . and to damage chances of winningof the rev dr kamal karna k roy as the u s gop candidate and nominee as the mr cleaner president of usa as and when it be held without corruptions in campaign;and prayers were made that u s house of repsentative appoint an interim u s president on jan 20, 2009 pursuant to misc laws in the u s constitution and federal laws on a prayer of usd court ourt suggestion for the appointrment to refil of void in the system if election is postponed. dr roy shall move to ifferent circuit courts of appeals if correctional measures are no approved or granted by courts and pursuant to u s constitution action shall follow u s supreme court in washington dc for appellate reriefs if not be available by lower ourts and circuit court of appeals. Yahoo! SearchSearch:Welcome, viswa_dh [Sign Out, My Account]Answers Home -Forum -Blog -Help Ask Answer Discover Search for questions: Advanced My Profile Home > Politics & Government > Politics > Your Open Question viswa_dh Member since: April 21, 2008 Total points: 91 (Level 1) Your Open QuestionShow me another » The rev mr makhan lal ghosh a leader of masses for democratic have-nots , oors and disadvantaged ? Search:Welcome, viswa_dh [Sign Out, My Account]Answers Home -Forum -Blog -Help Ask Answer Discover Search for questions: Advanced My Profile Home > Politics & Government > Civic Participation > Your Open Question viswa_dh Member since: April 21, 2008 Total points: 96 (Level 1) Your Open QuestionShow me another » THE REV MAKHAN LAL GHOSH AUTHOR POLITICAL STRATEGIST WORLD_WIDE DEMOCRACIES, REFORM AGENT, ORDAINED CLERGY WR? VISITING BELGHORIA, NEAR KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, INDIA; BENGALI AUTHOR OF REPUTE; LAWYER; A LEADER OF STRUGGLING PEOPLE IN 3RD WORLD NATIONS; HE WOULD LIKE TO DEVELOP STRATEGY TO BRING HAVE_NOTS CLOSE TO HAVE ALLS: HE IS A FOLLOWER OF DR THE REV KAMAL KARNA ROY, A U S GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND DEJANDING TO BE MR CLEANER GOP PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE OF GOP IN THE NOV 4, 2008 U S PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2998 IF BE HELD ON TIME WITHOUT A USD COURTR INJUNCTION TO POSTPONE U S PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF NOV 4, 2008 FOR MASS AND SKYHIGH CORRUPTIONS BY 560+ defendants 1 second ago - 3 days left to answer. Report Abuse --------------------------------------..... Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN (April 19, 2008 at 2:46 PM) Report Abuse --------------------------------------..... Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN (April 25, 2008 at 4:25 AM) the rev makhan lal ghosh & mr the rev premansu das r das reporting themes of the reverend dr kamal karna k toy a u s gop presiential candidate of gop and demanding to be nominated as mr cleanest ...






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