
Kane and his quest for revenge from Straight Edge Society – Kane vs. Luke Gallows

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Kane and his quest for revenge from Straight Edge Society – Kane vs. Luke Gallows

Wrestling fans still remember those dark days of the late 1990’s when the big red monster debuted in the squared ring of the World Wrestling Entertainment. Since his arrival, the wrestler known as Kane has destroyed anyone who made the mistake of standing in his way. It is 2010 and the intensity and power of this near 7 foot tall giant has been increasing at an abnormal speed. Kane showed his vicious side to his wrestling fans when he found that his half-brother Under Taker was attacked by someone and can no longer return to the ring.

Kane vowed in front of the professional wrestling world that he will investigate and will find out the culprit. Kane also vowed that he will destroy each and everyone who has anything to do with the attack on the reaper of souls, the legendary Under Taker. A few weeks back, Kane assumed that it may be the Straight Edge Society which planned and executed the attack on the Under Taker. On Friday Night Smack Down, it was announced that Kane will clash against the first disciple of Straight Edge Society, Luke Gallows.

Everything turned red as Kane entered the arena and walked towards the ring. His prey for that night, Luke Gallows had already entered the wrestling square. It did not take long for Kane to start the match. Kane took the first shot as he punched the jaw of his opponent. Kane is regarded as one the purest strikers in the history of professional wrestling. Kane then proceeded further to pick up Luke Gallows and slam his body on the ring floor.

Luke Gallows desperately tried to fight back as he kicked the face of Kane and shifted the momentum of the match for few moments. But this was no ordinary match as emotions were running high and Kane was determined to inflict the maximum punishment humanly possible. Before the match could proceed further, Kane executed his dreaded wrestling finisher called the Choke Slam. In this finisher, Kane grabbed the neck of his opponent, picked him up high in the air, and slammed his back on the ring floor. This dreaded choke slam became the fate of Luke Gallows on Friday Night Smack Down.

Before Kane could go for the cover, “The Masked Man” who is also the member of Straight Edge Society came to the rescue of Luke Gallows. The masked man suffered the same fate as Kane choked him by grabbing his neck and then slammed his body on the ring floor. The worst was yet to come as the leader of the Straight Edge Society and the former World Heavy Weight Champion C M Punk entered the ring.

Before Kane could end the wrestling career of C M Punk by delivering the choke slam on the already battered opponent, Serena entered the arena. Serena who is the fourth member of Straight Edge Society showed a video to Kane which proved the innocence of C M Punk and his group. The video showed C M Punk in a bar on the same date when the Under Taker was attacked by an unknown culprit. Kane left C M Punk and left the arena in an angry mood.

Wrestling fans firmly believe that the innocence of Straight Edge Society will do little to extinguish the flames of revenge burning inside Kane. Kane will put everything at stake in his journey to find the culprit who attacked the Under Taker. Wrestling pundits may disagree about various facts related to the assault on the Under Taker but one thing is for certain that upcoming wrestling shows on Friday Night Smack Down will not end smoothly as Kane will continue to attack and injure many other wrestlers on the Smack Down roster.



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