
Karate advice?

by  |  earlier

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how in shape do have to be to take karate. is it a good way to loose weight. My friend is overweight and asked me if she should take karate i have never taken it so i don't know.

she really wants to learn it and wants to know if she can physically handle it.




  1. Please purchase a book called "ABSolution" by Shawn Phillips; it gives a step by step guide on nutrition and getting in shape that  is simpler and easier to follow than most of the "Body for Life" stuff.  As a general rule, its better to be in shape first before starting a martial art in the first place.

    In the "old days," and in modern china, the emphasis is on fitness first before they teach you any martial arts.  Even the legendary pro-wrestler Carl Gotch, before he would teach you any wrestling he would put you on a brutal strength conditioning program and a diet made up almost exclusively of protein.  You want your friend to lose weight?

    Don't skimp on the protein and fatty acids, especially flaxseed.

    that was my 50 cents worth; Phillip's book will help you more than I can.

  2. im out of shape and i got my black belt a couple of weeks ago. it doesent matter as long as u try!

  3. size , weight don't matter join a class in your neighborhood and watch your friend will gradually lose the weight

  4. she should be fine as long as she applies herself

  5. You really don't have to be in that good of shape to do martial arts. I'm not the most in shape or athletic, and I love Tae Kwon Do! As you work out in class at home, your flexibility will improve and after the hard work you put into class you will feel much better.

    As long as your friend finds a good school and instructor, she should do just fine.

  6. So long as she can manage to walk into the dojo, she'll do OK.

    Karate can be a good way to lose weight, any exercise can be.  A good instructor will challenge your friend to make improvements in her life that will help her reach her goal of losing weight.

  7. That would be like getting in shape first so you can then get in shape!  The karate training itself will get you into shape. The key point here is that you will go at your own level and build up to being in shape.

    As with all sports its recommended that you consult you GP first if you have any concerns about your current level of fitness/health.

    The majority of new students of all ages and of both sexes are unfit. The instructor recognises this and will treat you as such.

    Your fitness (or lack of!) will not prevent you from enjoying and developing in karate.

    Karate is one of the most balanced and complete ways of keeping in good physical condition. Karate incorporates the use of the entire body in which legs, hips, spine, shoulders and arms are co-ordinated to develop balance, flexibility, poise, speed, strength and stamina. No other form of training uses as many parts of the body to such an extent. Karate is not seasonal and so ones condition can be maintained throughout the year. Other forms of training, where exercise for the sake of exercise is done, become a chore after the first enthusiasm passes and are invariably dropped. However, Karate becomes more interesting and rewarding as you progress, without any limit. Even after decades of training, students will still be learning and improving their techniques - this is very rare in any sport.
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