
Karl Pryce Joins Gloucester.?

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Karl Pryce made the cross code switch from Bradford Bulls to Union Outfit Gloucester RFC on Wednesday.

Another League produced product makeing the switch to the soft version of rugby.

Have the big lad, he should fit in nicely with the Ra Raas as he has a great Running, Kicking game and can not tackle very well.

He laid back approach to play should complement your game very well.




  1. Firstly, there is a salary cap in Rugby Union, and Gloucester are way under budget!

    Secondly, a soft version of rugby? Not at all, it's a different game that offers a different challenge, as Karl himself said.

    However what RL can't offer is... Heineken European Cup rugby, 6 Nations Internationals & the Rugby World Cup...

    Let's face it, outside of Yorkshire & Lancashire, RL is virtually non-existant in England.

  2. He has joined purely for the money as there is no salary cap in Union!

  3. H,

    Rugby league appears not to have a salary cap also, half the sides officially breached it. Though in fact RU does has a salary cap. Farrell  is earning no more money than he was at Wigan. SBW was offered a tentative off er by Saints far and above what most RU players earn.

    As for the originator of the question. The Bradford got Mat Cooke and Gloucester got Pryce. Cooke - bags of talent, good runner, reliable tackler and high worke rate; all these things he had when he joined Bradford. Pryce obviously has pretty lousy coaches, when playing on the wing for bradford he not see the ball much  so gets board and RL wingers are not expected to tacckle, and when they do more than three solid ones in a game we hear about for years.

  4. He's still young and raw and tends to "drift out of the game for periods". He is certainly a real prospect for the future.

    Even if he had remained in Rugby League he would still have had to "up the ante" next season . If you take the need to "learn" a new game into consideration it will be asking a lot for him to make the grade straight away. I wish him well.

  5. I presume the question is whether Rugby League is a harder game than Rugby. I have played both from an early age and whilst agree Rugby League is tough on the body with the rather more front on tackling it is certainly not a 'harder' game. Personally, most of my injuries came from Rugby which I put down to the less protection you get in the game from fellow players in rucks, mauls etc. In League you tend to have more protection from your team as you try to tackle as a pack. I enjoyed playing both and think they are completely different, any team taking on a league convert (or vice versa) should realise the difference in games and not expect too much from a player in the first seasons in my opinion.

  6. and the question is ?????

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