
Karl Rove left the country on a "long planned trip". can't Congress *make* him make time to appear b4 session?

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*b4 a session?




  1. Rove is a member of the Executive branch. There is good legal precedent that advisers to The President cannot be compelled to answer to Congress.

  2. Don't worry.

    If they want him. They will travel to get him.

    I know of people that have gone to other countries and have

    been kidnapped by the U.S. Marshalls and got them back.

  3. He left? With a subpoena to testify in Congress on Thursday?

    Why am I not surprised?   The unmitigated gall of this bunch of losers still makes me want to throw up, even tho they gag me on a daily basis.  Do you think Congress will do anything more than say baaaad boy in their sheeplike way.  Grrrr.

  4. Rove is a genius, he is untouchable.

  5. Allegedly, he left the country before he received the subpoena.  So he wouldn't be bound to it, or a time-frame unless another one was created upon his alleged return.  This guy is the scum of scumbags and will go through all the legal loopholes before he would ever obey the law and appear before Congress.  The Neo-Cons have this thing about ignoring the laws in this country, unless it suits them.

  6. Legally, yes.  But Bush has a 7 1/2 year history of thumbing his nose at our laws and constitution.  Neither Reid nor Pelosi has the balls to stand up to him.

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