
Karl blossfedlt help!!!?

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I have a picture by karl blossfeldt and i can't find the name of the picture any where please could you help me the photo is on the link below thank you




  1. You lucky person. I don't think it has a name as such.

    Plate # 56: Aspidium filix mas (magnified 4 times)

    Photogravure, printed in 1928.


    Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) was a German instructor of sculpture who used his remarkable photographs of plant studies to educate his students about design elements in nature. Self-taught in photography, he devoted himself to the study of nature, photographing nothing but flowers, buds and seed capsules for thirty-five years. He once said, "The plant never lapses into mere arid functionalism; it fashions and shapes according to logic and suitability, and with its primeval force compels everything to attain the highest artistic form."

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