
Kart racing question????

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Ok I'm a rookie at road racing karts and I'm one of the best at beaverun. There is this one kid that is top 25 in the country who I am always in front of at every race. But he always runs me off track everywhere. In the turns I give him enough room to pass me to. In the straight ways also. I come from motocross which the name of the game is crashing people. But I race cleanly. He is pissing me off. Should I hit him on the track so hard that i crash us both and knock sense into him or just not hit the brakes going into a turn and just try to give him whip lash




  1. I would take this up with the officials.  It's their job to police that kind of thing.  Obviously, it's going to happen from time to time, but if he's doing it every week, you have a legitimate complaint.  You're probably not the only one either, so maybe you can get a group of fellow drivers to talk to officials. Or you might try having a "talk" with him about proper on-track etiquette.

  2. ur question aint as clear...still.....1.does he touch his kart to urs and hence u go noff track???....if yes den its illigeal(quite)....

    .but 2.if not den it aint.....and why do the h**l giv him the room to is abt blocking not letting go....!!!...

    if the 2nd case i have mentioned is true fr u den-maybe u come a lot in pressure and u commit mistake of giving him room and hence goin off on ur racing line...wen other kart is behind u u maybe break very late(due to pressure)

  3. It depends on your personality/morals/the style of driving in your karting class...

    Personally I had this guy that had started karting at the same time as me and always moved over on me and always tried to blame and argue with me over it, then one day he braked too late into a hairpin bend and locked up and almost took me out so I decided to spin him around next corner (right next to an official...oops). I actually ended up getting this penalty so I finished behind him in the race and well, basically got into a little bit of trouble. I spun him because I had seen all of the top guys in my country (New Zealand ~ same kart club as Scott Dixon) do the same thing. He doesn't do it anymore, but he is 20-something and a mature adult who is now moving toward the casual side of the sport rather than a regular karting brat.

    If you really want to be clean you can get the officials to watch him (but then you can look like your making drama)...or you could try taking a video camera to the track and getting a friend or someone to film your races, specifically him taking you off and then show it to the officials.

    But as a rookie you should probably first take in what other drivers are saying about him (just in case its just how top drivers in your class drive and you end up looking like an idiot rookie for reporting it), do you hear other drivers talk about him being aggressive? do any of your friends/family at the track find him to be unfair?(for example after my races my dad would say that all of the people he had been watching the race with were going on about how overly aggressive and dangerous the guy I was racing was) and has this kid had any history of big crashes or anything like that?if the answers are mostly yes, then make a complaint or get your camera out.

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