
Karting question for experienced drivers - Tapping helmet signal?

by  |  earlier

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So, a few days ago i was on track. (Im a novice.) Not completley new, but not experienced enough to be racing yet. I am pretty quick and i noticed one of the faster guys on the track. (in my junior class)

I managed to get near him, and he was battling another person. I overtook them both, and it felt kinda cheeky overtaking the faster ones :P

Anyway, after he sorted out the other guy he soon got in front, and i fancied my chances at another corner. I went off my racing like and met up with him along side on the corner exit. I think i almost nudged him. We were wheel to wheel. Then he slowly pulled ahead and pulled over infront of me.

Anyway, to the point, He tapped two fingers on his helmet once he had done that. What does this mean? Its been bugging me, just want to know

I was thinking maybe it meant.. think what your doing? or good thinking? or whatever.

So anymore experienced karters can you tell me what this means.





  1. Yeah, most of the time it means you need to "think" about what you're doing.

  2. I agree.  It was probably a sign for you to "think."  He probably thought that was a spur-of-the-moment move (most of them are anyway), that it hadn't been thought out thoroughly, and that you might have taken both of you out, instead of gaining a position.

    I know quite a few hand signs to let other guys know what you are doing, going to do, or otherwise what you think of their driving.  Some of those take 2 hands to get the point across tho.... ;-)

  3. Not sure about karting specifically, but he either thought you were mental or you did something he thought was dangerous and was telling you to think

  4. Technically it probably means "use your head", but I would have took it as "drive in deep on the next corner and use my kart as a buffer to make it around"!!!!

  5. some karters have strange signals on track but more than likely he was telling you to watch your line or you were drifting into his line.taping on the back of the helmet usually means follow my line.if he had a problem with you i am sure he would have warned you or come to tell you about it after the race.the best thing to do is shake hands after the race and ask,the nice thing about karters is most are willing to help you learn but beware of some tuning tips.

  6. He wants you to follow him. I say passing always works better.

  7. tapping helmet signal simply means watch what your doing or think about what your doing

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