
Katana, gladius, scimitar?

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Which do you think is the best and why. I'm just curious




  1. probably gladius

    suprisingly enough dispite the myths, katanas are quite brittle

  2. Gladius, European ancestry.

  3. Depends partially on range and fighting style, possible shield. Katana is longest blade and good on slash and sweeps, Scimitar and Gladius were often used with a shield-Gladius was a secondary weapon for Roman- the spear/Pilum was the primary weapon. Scimitar and Katana were both used by horse archers as the close in shock weapon after bow and arrow use to strike at longer range- Some Scimitars- like Tulwar- were heavy point ended choppers while others were narrower points for some sticking besides slash. Gladius and Wakisashi similar in blade lengths/use, Scimitar and Katana closer to each other in use..

  4. All for them are excellent weapons fr what they were designed for. It is like comparing apples, oranges, and bandannas. No way to say which is the best. Each has its good points.

    However, experts on ancient weapons tend to say that the katana is the best sword ever because of:

    1) its practical design

    2) the efficient way it is used

    3) the superior methods of metal word resulting in the best blades ever produced by any culture

    Your decision but I think that the katana is the best sword ever made.

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