
Katana Made In China?

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Fake? Real? High Quality for sure! All steel. Great Katana? Chinese Samurai?




  1. it does not matter where it was made, it matters HOW it was made and the quality of the steel, but more importantly heat treatment.

    if they try to flim flam you with "it was folded x amount of times" then thats a load of c**p- metal is folded to hammer out the impurities of the steel- so if you have to do it that many times, you are beginning with c**p steel to begin with and modern machine rolling technology is more accurate and uniform and better at hammering out impurities than human hands.

    also you can automatically start with purer ore to begin with.

    here are a few helpfull links with information to help you decide. odds are if you paid less than $800-$1000 its going to be likely you bought c**p.

    you can find them for less, but if you don't know what you are buying, odds are you can end up spending $500 on a peice of c**p wallhanger.

    antiques are obviously much much mroe expensive, but a "real" good quality live blade will cost you.

    helpfull links and interesting reading for you:

    steels used in japanese swords:

    heat treatment:

    sword misconceptions:

    famous movie swords:

    everyone's favorite video of what happens when you use a wallhanger (stainless steel).

  2. the sad truth is that no matter where swords are made nowadays the only way to test its credibility is to buy it and test it. there are always people out there who prey on people who think just because its made in china or japan its a good sword.

    and goddam it there were no chinese samurai. samurai basically started in the feudal era of japan and ended in the meiji era in the mid 1800's.

  3. All kantanas and all Samurai are Japanese

  4. I don't know but if you want authenticity I would suggest Japan.

  5. The katana was fashioned after a Chinese sword.

    There is a forgery in China that has a 2600 year history of sword making. Knowing their history, would you say their swords are "fake"?

    What makes a real sword? What makes an "authentic" sword?

    Who invented the first automobile? So because the Japanese made automobiles after the "authentic", "originals" were made, are they not "real"?

    The Lung Chuan forgery forge katana, and I have used one to cut with. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

    My Sifu and Friend is from one of the families that have made swords in that forgery.

    Paul Chen Katana are also from there.

    The technique used to create the swords is what's important, not where it's made.

  6. Samurai were Japanese. And if it's made in China it's a cheap fake.
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