
Kate Middleton Lazy?

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Now that Kate Middleton has quit her job, speculation is rife with rumours that she is preparing to be a princess. However, a number of columnists have expressed their opinions of Kate Middleton calling her "Lazy" and "A-Royal-Doormat". They claim that Kate Middleton does hardly anything but shop, party and go on holidays.

What are your opinions? Do you think Kate Middleton is lazy? Why/Why not? Or do you see differently?




  1. Well I don't know her, and I can't say, really no one can say at all, I mean we only think that we know what the media says is true, but they could easily say that about Oprah or anyone that's famous, but they could be one of the hardest workers, if she's at parties and shops a lot, she could still work a lot, who knows for sure?

  2. I don't know her but I certainly don't believe the media they don't have anything else to write about her at the moment so they make it up.

  3. According to the media, "Kate was allowed to work just four days a week to accommodate her royal boyfriend's schedule and her decision to quit the job has caused controversy among her co-workers who believe she is getting "special treatment. She never worked full-time and appeared to take an inordinate amount of time off to go jetting round the world with her boyfriend. It certainly rubbed a few people here up the wrong way. To be told she would be resting for a while 'looking at other things' didn't exactly come as a surprise. She has always been treated as a special case."

    I would assume the real reason why she quit her job was because her co-workers were obviously giving her a bad time. If your dating a royalty (especially Prince William) your bound to get a few eyes of jealousy here and there, no doubt about that. Maybe a few rude comments or sarcasms were probably integrated into their daily conversations (office rumors and gossips are the worst kind).

    I hope that whatever Kate decides to do with her free time, should be used wisely and productively. A little hard partying here and there and maybe a few vacations wouldn’t hurt, but that should not be turned into her “full-time career.” As Kate “might” become the future Queen, she will definitely be a prey to royal watchers. Every move she makes will be heavily criticized or highly praised and will be used as future references when she really becomes a “Princess/Queen.” I would hope to see Kate involve herself in more charity events for great causes, perhaps starting her own non-profit organization or foundation etc. With her influences and image, she could definitely accomplish a lot and make good use of her time while she “waits” for her Prince Charming.

  4. On, a lot of people claim she's lazy but she's tried various jobs. Perhaps she's looking for the right one. We are the same age so I understand the issue of trying to find the perfect job.

  5. Well, she'll be fine with William then wont she?

  6. I agree with LikeItorNot. None of us know who she really is, so I leave the harsh comment behind and try to think positive. I hope the resignation lead to something good.

    If u want to think it fairly, having a status as Will's girlfriend would make any girls hard to find a real job. The employer might abused her status for granted; or not so but must provide certain security efforts and has tight-lip fellow employees who won't divulge her every moves. I understand one article saying that her work days at Jigsaw were special because she has to cope with Will's schedule. Well, that's the consequences if both W&K want to maintain their relationship. The thing is that she's been Will's girl since university (before "must-find-a-job" situation) and not after university life (that she might already be an employee before hooking up with Will).

    I'm wondering that if Chelsy grads from her study someday, she'll also be in a period of jobless bcoz she needs not any money due to the very wealthy parents. If she's still dating Harry then, she'd also be trapped in the 'near-to-be-a-real-princess-soon' situation like Kate is having now. Also remember, she's more of hard party-goer than Kate...

  7. Don't know what to think I have never meet her...

  8. Kate Middleton ... who cares? Does it really matter what she does? Is the issue of whether she is lazy or not of vital importance to anyone other than her friends and relations?

  9. Probably yes! because from what i've read on the newspapers and magazines it shows that she's kinda sloth...

    And as far as I know, she doesn't work hard or she doesn't give to much effort to her work....

  10. The complaints were loud when she went to work, too.  Now she quits, and people complain.  What is she supposed to do?  She should do whatever she likes, just as i suspect everyone else does.

  11. I don't think any of us no her well enough to decide if she is lazy.

  12. It seems to me that the people who accuse the handsome and dashing Prince William's long-time squeeze of being "lazy", are making more of a statment about themselves - by criticizing her - than they are about Ms. Middleton.
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