
Kate Moss in Gold: If you were the curator of the British Museum....?

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would you be offended that this statue is going to be among all of these ancient artifacts. I don't think it's right they should start a Gold Museum like the Wax Museums. What do you think?




  1. dont we have better things to use goled for... ill take it though

  2. I wouldn't be offended, but I don't think the Gold statue should be put with Ancient Artifacts. We could use Gold for better things than making statues of Super Models.

  3. Yeah, I agree what a slap in the face to those people. If there was anyone worthy of a solid gold statue, it def wouldn't be Kate Moss!  

  4. i haven't heard anything about this?? but i hope ur kidding on bout kate moss? why would anyone want a gold statue of her?! why she's even a model still baffles me??!

  5. It would have been ok if the statue was at least of someone who had done something for society. I think there is something deeply wrong with the fact that they've made an idol out of some anorexic super model with a drug problem! What stupidity.    

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