
Kate and Gerry Mccann. Why can i just not believe them?

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Could someone please explain to me, as to why, whenever I see Kate and Gerry Mccann, together, I find it so hard to believe a word they utter. I have no interest in condemning these people. And I cannot for one second believe they could harm there own child, and then "perform" for the media. But one thing I just cannot grasp is the natural flinching intuitive reaction I have towards the couple whenever they speak or sit together. It makes me uncomfortable.

Does anyone share this sense of discomfort. Please no hurtful comments..its a genuine well intended question. Are the things they say and do, incongruous with their demeanour




  1. I don't believe the parents are innocent and come across as evasive and dodgy when being interviewed.

    edit ********

    Is the maid in cornwall so convinced of their innocence the same one who did not know that distraught dad played tennis the next day? Or that desperate mum went jogging the next day?

    She is not very well informed at all so should leave the talking to the people who have looked at the big picture and see two nasty little people getting away with the disappearance of their daughter.

  2. When ever I see them I change the channel or turn the page.  Can't stand the sight of them.

  3. I know exactly what you mean.  It's as if something is lacking in them.  It's not because they are not showing emotion it's more as if they just don't HAVE any emotion.  And yes, they often appear to be playing a part, trying to act as they have been directed to act.  But it comes across as false because they are not feeling it.

  4. Maybe you should discuss your reaction with a therapist who could get to the bottom of your distrusting and paranoid mind.

  5. I agree. They look like a couple that could be hiding a deep dark secret.

    (probably because they are)

  6. I can fully understand what you are saying. The words they say do not match their actions. These are the parents who were so concerned that their daughter had been abducted that they went jogging and played tennis with their friends.

    They have been evasive since the early days of the investigation and are clearly hiding something. These people make my skin crawl. They are bullies who attack and threaten any who do not believe their fantastic story. Where is the evidence of an abductor?

  7. Yes,they do seem a bit dodgy,don't they?

  8. Probably the same sort of reason that people didn't believe OJ.

  9. I agree with the big kahuna - they're not a likeable looking couple.  I don't like them, but I don't believe they had anything to do with Madeleine's disappearance and to suggest that they're doing this to make money for themselves is purile.

    I feel terribly sorry for them, as a parent and a human being.

  10. I have been a supporter of the McCanns from day one and 100% believe they did nothing to harm their daughter, I would bet serious money on it.

    However even I can accept that they are not the most likable looking couple in the world (and that is what some people have judged them on) BUT what they look like and how they act etc, is totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

  11. Every action they take, and every word they say, is coordinated by someone behind the scenes in order to get the most publicity.

  12. I happened to be on holiday in Praia da Luz shortly after the incident. What amazed me was the incredible stage-managing of interviews; it was almost as if the reporters had been told what to ask  the McCanns......each interview was identical whether it was by the BBC, Sky News or whoever. Interestingly, none of the locals who I spoke to believed their story and this was before the Portuguese press had turned against them. I recently watched a You Tube clip of an interview by a foreign news station which caught a glimpse of their behaviour off-camera laughing and joking with the crew......quite different to their on-camera behaviour wher they seemed to put on an act of appearing seriously concerned. This confirmed what I had thought all along, that they are putting up one h**l of an act.

  13. There is often no explanation as to what triggers paranoia, it is probably connected with the fact that they are successful people with a tragedy, and you need an excuse for gloating about it

  14. I cant explain it either. I too cant stand to look at them. I dont know what it is.

    Perhaps we belong to a group of people who are able to see through them.

    I cannot for the life of me understand why people are unable to see that this whole saga is for the McCanns own benefit.

    Poor, dear, little Madeleine. Seems to be forgotten in all this.

    I think there is a huge cover up going on. If its allowed  to be got away with then.   I think its disgraceful.

  15. Probably because they are unbelievable! I find them utterly contemptible and am sickened whenever I see their smug arrogant faces... And it's natural to want to protect vulnerable children, not neglect them but the only ones the Mc's want to protect are their own vile, selfish necks...

  16. Maybe because you're a smart cookie?

    It happens exactly the same with me...

    I tried... I did really, really try hard to find the grieving parents who made a very stupid mistake. But everytime I watched an interview with them, I kind of felt this weird feeling up my spine you know?


    I usually trust mine...

  17. They are hiding something - not sure what but they are definitely hiding something.

  18. I have never believed these two from the start, they are very cold and calculating. Some day the truth will come out and we will see them for what they are !

  19. I don't share your sense of discomfort.

    I see two grieving parents who really don't know how to react.

    If they listen to expert advice that tells them not to show emotion as it may give the abductor a kick, they get labelled as being cold & emotionless.

    If they weep & wail, they'd be accused of putting on a show.

  20. it iz sooo painful

  21. Don't worry, I'm sure it's just natural paronoia, after all, we all worry about happened to Madeline and so are naturally nervous about anyone associated with the case.

    The fact that we are no closer to finding a suspect after such a long time means that our minds are focusing all our suspicions onto Kate and Gerry as they are the only ones we ever see when we look into the case.

  22. well  said, i totally agree

  23. I do believe that some of their actions are orchestrated ie they've been told how to behave in certain circumstances, ie "Don't cry or weep - it will give the abductor a thrill" - which is what they were told in the beginning.  But those who filmed them said they cried once the cameras stopped rolling.

    Perhaps if they'd been allowed to behave naturally, we now wouldn't look at them with suspicious eyes.

    But I don't feel any discomfort watching them together.  They look like a couple who cling together and try to support each other.  I'm not sure what it is you see.

    Don't you see the grief in their eyes?  And would you like to have to parade before the cameras at a time like this?

    What struck me when Shannon Matthews disappeared is how many people commented on the difference between Kate McCann and Karen Matthews - apparently Ms Matthews could have given Kate McCann some parenting lessons.  Well, acting lessons, yes.

  24. Because your instincts are telling you otherwise,,,

  25. Maid in Cornwall. 16 body language experts.??? Which paper have you been reading?? Thats news to me. Tell me one self respecting body language expert who would say anything other than they are innocent..for that matter name one body languge expert who has commented.

    You seem quite the expert yourself!! read the question, hes saying he believes one thing yet feels another..thats all..He hasnt condemned them!!!

  26. No,I have not got to my age without trusting my instincs and they very rarely let me down,womens are much,much better than mens.

    My heart bleeds for them.

    Maybe you are suseptible to suggestion,there are people who feel the same way you do,they try every day on here to change the minds of the people who believe the parents,and get quite aggressive because we don't,which just goes to show what bullies they really are,and everyone knows bullies pick on the vulnerable in this life.

  27. i doint beleive them either

    they are shifty and their main concern has always been for themselves

    i have no idea what happened but them two know a lot more than what they are telling judging by their bizzaire body language

    poor madeline

  28. Yes, i'm right there with you. I cant believe them yet I do not think they could harm their daughter...there is just something there that makes me so uncomfortable. I tried watching the program they made recently and I softened slightly towards them but there is still just "something" that I cannot put my finger on or explain any better than you just have.

  29. Dom..look up the word prurient. Remaining silent and letting everyone think you a fool, is far better than saying something and removing all doubt!

  30. I don't know. . .

    I mean, if they put it all on, and they planned it all, there is something severely wrong with them, and they are good actors.

    But if Madeline was actually kidnapped, I don't know.

    It seems. . . kind of fake. Like, they're acting how they think they're supposed to act, not how they actually would, if that makes sense.

  31. they are acting like actors from a b movie

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