
Katrina II is about to happen, should President Bush be there to drive the buses out of town?

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Or has the residence of New Orleans learned from Katrina I?

I pray that the storm is not bad and the fine people of the area escape injury.




  1. Maybe the mayor of New Orleans ought to man up this time and not leave hundreds of school buses unused in a mass evacuation.

  2. ever hear of planned shrinkage, look it up on wiki (not the best source)

  3. dood,

    you are killin me here :)

    I'm picturing bush driving a 1970's bus out of orleans filled with blacks.

  4. If I was McCain, I'd be on the phone with Bush right now telling him not to f' this one up.

  5. Smart (<- key word) people will take the warnings seriously and get out on their own before disaster strikes.  

    If they didn't learn any lessons from the first time, then they deserve to be swept away.  

    Blaming the President and government because the people lack common sense is obviously lame and totally irresponsible!

    If New Orleans gets wiped out again, maybe it's time to recognize that that city needs to remain gone for good...what many people do not realize, is that unspeakable debauchery is that city's truest identity.  Get a clue folks!

  6. I think they are better prepared this time, but they are starting evacuations today. I hope and pray this storm will not be as bad as they predict it to, and I also hope that the people down south LA, take heed and start leaving today just in case. I live in north LA, and Katrina took a toll on us also, but not as bad as it did N.O. As far as Bush goes, I don't know what he will do. It is also predicted that the city of N.O. will be its own lsland by the year 2010.  I am just going to leave everything in God's hands. He knows best.

  7. there is a republican gov in that state now so things are being handled

    The problem with katrina was the dem gov and the dem mayor of new orleans failed to do their jobs.

    to the one poster

    All models have the best chance of landfall to be right around New Orleans

    While it could go elsewhere right now New Orleans is the best bet.

  8. new orleans was teetering on the brink of disaster for a long while with all the answers to their problems in their city engineer's offices....after all h**l broke loose,that republican idiot bush should have invoked his christian morality,and saved the lives of those people....his utter failure in this matter will live as his legacy...the worst president this country has ever had !!

  9. Good Question Johnny!!!  

  10. Don't worry, it's all in the capable hands of the chocolate mayor. His police force is already lined up to shoot the survivors.

  11. The path for Gustav could land it anywhere from Florida to Texas.  You have absolutely no evidence that it will hit New Orleans like Katrina.

    But hey, thanks for posting ignorance.

  12. WIth a good strong governor like Bobby Jindal, the state of LA is better prepared for another major storm.

    Remember the horrible flooding in the American Mid West this year?  This was like Katrina in scope and property damage.  How many people complained about the lack of help from Washington DC?  How many people demanded help from the government?  You didn't hear any complaining from the Mid West.  That's because the fine people there can take care of themselves, and they don't have the entitlement - dependency mentality found in New Orleans that went malignant after Katrina.

    Gov. Bobby Jindal will have Mayor "Chocolate City" Ray Nagin well under control this time around.

  13. New Orleans already has an evacuation plan in the works...

  14. So far, things have not turned out so well whenever Bush is in the driver's seat.

    The major reason he is still driving is because we don't want Cheney driving.


    Everyone wants to blame the Democrat mayor and the Democrat governor.  As well you should.  But law says that Bush is the one to mobilize the National Guard.

    All three of them are to blame.  Bush and the Governor spent way too long arguing over who should have mobilized the National Guard, when the simple fix would have been that they BOTH order it and sort it out later.

    And Nagin was so busy blaming them for not fixing things, he forgot to do something himself.  But Bush is not blameless, and in fact gets at least 1/3 of the blame.

  15. Sorry but they still have the same mayor who failed to use the buses the first time when he was told that Katrina was coming and then refused to get everyone out in time and blamed it on the Federal government, and the governor of the state did the same thing.  She at least did not try to run for re election.

    This time there is a Republican as governor and he will make sure things go well.

  16. OMG go on a plane

  17. Your post assumes too much as too many variables can come into play regarding this storm. One of these being it could change tracks completely, or exhaust itself without ever reaching the gulf coast. The failings in the Katrina matter rest more with the local and state authority, even though many Bush haters cannot seem to admit this basic fact. So let's hope they have indeed learned their lesson. According to the Governor's office they are prepared to evacuate if necessary. My hope is that we do not have to find out if they are prepared or not.

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