
Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl." What if Katy Perry was a boy and sang I kissed a boy?

by Guest65060  |  earlier

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Do you think that this song would be censored from being played on the air?




  1. wouldn't have the same shock value, I'm sure.  And besides, another female singer already DID a song called "I Kissed a Girl" a couple years didn't get nearly as much attention.  Jill something-or-other.

  2. Good question

    ya id say probably with our society

    the song would definatly be banned or barely played

    except for maybe a few times on those "hip and edgy" radio stations

    i think katy perry is stupid honestly

    she made an entire CD off of using what girls have used for so many years in music

    s*x appeal

    she cant really sing

    she isnt pretty at all

    so what is she gonna do

    make a song about her doing the "TABOO" and kissing another girl

    music today has turned to complete c**p  

  3. Not at all.  What is the problem people?  

  4. Although homosexual males are seen more commonly than lesbians are (or so I've noticed) there's always the possibility that a radio would refrain from playing the song, but I'm not 1000% sure on that.  Katy Perry's song still suggests a homosexual base, and perhaps that's all that really matters when ya get right down to it... and my favorite radio station plays it all the time!

  5. No, it would be less popular and Clay Aiken would be singing it.

  6. i think it would still be played but there would definitely be a lot more controversy over it. for some reason girls kissing girls is more socially accepted than guys kissing guys. Girls do things like that all the time without being considered g*y but if two guys kissed they would be much more likely to be labeled g*y. personally, i think its a stupid song and i don't see why she would sing that and then turn around and sing a song called  " you're so g*y."

  7. It would mean she is g*y..

    and no

  8. Seriously - all h**l would break loose - thats just how this world works unfortunately...

  9. no....

  10. It wouldn't be censored. People would be grossed out. No idea why it's different to people but apparently it is. I guess it's like a girl can compliment another girl on her b***s and no one cares but if a guy complimented anothers guys d**k everyone thinks you're homosexual.  

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