
Kawaii shop: my new etsy store?

by  |  earlier

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I have a new shop in, and I'd like some constructive criticism. It sells cute pendants, charms, and the like. Follow the link, then tell me what I need to improve, what I should change, etc.:




  1. You need to have someone who can write grammatically correct English edit your website.  Also, you're basically selling silly junk for fairly high prices but you want checks in payment.  Do you really think your potential buyers have checking accounts?

  2. ^^ It's called "Kitsch"

    Hmm.. Yeah, the prices are a bit too high. You need to make them half off.

    Also, list some more stuff. Compare your items to other Etsy shops.

    See what they have to offer and how much they're offering for.

    Take better pictures too -- ones that aren't blurred (phone charm). We want crystal clear.

    The items aren't really bad but they could use in lower pricing.

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