
Kawasaki ZZR250 help, no Revs?

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I just bought a Kawasaki ZZR250 a few weeks back, and when I would turn the ON switch on, the revs would go to 6000rps on the dile, when just switched on.

I took the ZZR to a Kawasaki dealer, repairer, and had rhe Cam chain tensioner fixed up, now, I have to the bike home, and turned it on, and the revs are sitting on 0 all the time, and the bike won't start, it just seems to be turning but not kicking/starting when I press the start button, there just seems to be no kick, I have charged the battery 3 times, New battery, since, trying to start it.

Any ideas?




  1. My Kawi did that, I turn on the choke and it will start right up, but not without it.  When it get started I turn the choke down a untill the rpm are lower but it won't cut off untill it warms up.  It could be anything but try this it helped me out.

  2. Question is a  little hard to follow but:

    If the idle is the problem there is a small k**b (mine on the left of the bike in the middle just under a frame strut) and this adjusts the idle speed.

    If the problem is getting the bike to start you need to determine if this is a engine fault or a electrical system fault. This can be tested by 'clutch' starting the bike on a hill. If its starts its an electrical system fault.

    Possible electrical problems with the bike could be the starter motor solenoid.

    My zzr250 recently had the starter motor relay fail which was caused by battery acid corroding the relay. So if its electric it could be a number of things and its just a case of isolating the various components and seeing if the bike will turn over.

    Good Luck

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