
Kawaski 550 jet ski runs for approximenly 100 yards then boggs out, runs great without the hood on it though.?

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Kawaski 550 jet ski runs for approximenly 100 yards then boggs out, runs great without the hood on it though.?




  1. the hood is blocking air to getting to the engine   look around

  2. exhaust gas is recirculating back into the engine compartment -- it's not air it lacks, it's oxygen.  

    Have you done some recent maintenance, and maybe forgot an o-ring or reused a gasket?

  3. starving for air

  4. Sounds like an air intake restriction problem

  5. This was happening to my brother in laws outboard.... turn out the casing was pinching the fuel line. I am not sure if this could be applicable with a jet ski, but worth looking into

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