
Kayak paddler weight question?

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Well my grandparents were going to get me a kayak for graduation but are kind of iffy about it because of the paddler weight. It is normally a 900 dollar kayak but I managed to find it on sale at a womens outdoors web site for 630$. I am a male and my grandmom thinks it may be a womens kayak or something but I am sure there is no such thing. It says the paddler weight is like 120-190 lbs and I weigh in at about 170-175 so should I be alright with that? I mean is it going to be sitting to low in the water enough to decrease performance or anything? Thanks and here is the kayak if anyone wants to take a look.




  1. The boat you referenced is not a "women's boat".  At the higher end of the weight range, it will be more playful and less of a river runner.  The manufactures are pretty conservative with the weight ranges, so you should be ok.  Be aware that along with body weight you will have a skirt, PFD, float bags, paddle, pin kit, lunch, etc. as part of the bot load.

  2. You are just beginning kayaking and want to buy a whitewater playboat?

    I would research a normal kayak first to get the hang of it then invest in a playboat.  The boat you have here is for riding waves and whitewater kayaking, not for river trips...

  3. It is a good kayak for your height and weight, if you reserch the kayak you are intersted in there will probably be a chart on a  another page that tells you the optimum river-running and playboating weights. It would be better if you told us what style of kayaking you wish to do in the selected kayak.For the style of kayaking you plan on doing, this boat sounds right/godd for you weight. Have fun and see ya on the river!

  4. Hi, always glad to see people getting into the sport.

    I use a Dagger, always been very happy.

    I would suggest getting with a guide and spend a day with him. Different kayaks are better for different people.

    Also kayaking is a sport that many people get into then lose interest because its not as easy as it looks. Therefore, you can get GREAT deals on slightly used equipment.

    If you are new to the sport, start on the flat water. Dont risk the rapids until you feel comfortable. As a kayaker, theres nothing more embarrassing then having to bail out of your rig in front of your buddies.

    Before I purchased a kayak, I rented almost every model of every brand until I found one that fit my dynamics. Every person is a little different.

    Be safe, have fun! Feel free to email me if you have any questions

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