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what do you do if you're kayaking down a long river and it starts to storm? do you just pull over to the side and sit on the bank and wait it out? what?




  1. Oh I hate when that happens.... Hope you have your tarp and foulies.... Smoke a cig and wait it out and hope you don't freeze.

  2. That's a toughie. It's almost like going through a tornado with no basement. I have the same problem kayaking on the coast. Storms, these days, pop out of nowhere here. I know you Don't want to be the tallest thing around & you Don't want to be in water during a lightning storm. They also say not to be under trees but I think the only thing to do is get to the bank, lay flat & wait it out. best 2 u!

  3. If it's just raining, your fine, just wet.  If there is lightning, pull your boat to the bank, tie it up or haul it out, find a spot covered but not right under a tree (i.e. not against a tree) and squat or sit on your PFD, the foam in your flotation device will provide you with insulation from the ground in case of a lightning strike nearby.

  4. If it,s just wind and rain i tough it out with my spray skirt and rain coat. If lightning or hail is involved i seek low ground and make shelter. The river offer,s a lot of materiel for shelter. Your local library has book,s on this subject ask at the reference desk. Happy paddling.

  5. Conditions will vary. Best choice,  get to shore and seek the lowest point available to wait. Be sure a metal shafted paddle is not set upright. Always have dry clothes available. Often storms bring in cold weather and rain.
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